Print HTML in Tinderbox $Text

Yup, just tried TextSoap, per your recommendation. I works great. Thanks.

Rather like working with XML, a small number of characters will need handling with care. the left angle bracket < is one such. Markdown—used to write this post has a similar limitation.

This < displays because it is placed between back-ticks with causes the markdown parser to place the characters in <code></code> tags. The preceding tags only rendered as the opening < of each tags was preceded by a backslash.

It some point, the sort of documentation you’re trying to do will involved some extra gymnastics most users don’t need - so bear that in mind in your tutorials lest learners are spooked by the possibility of problems they may not meet. An example of such extra work is seen in the aTbRef TBX notes relating to export texts to make the text ‘^value()^’ render as such on export as opposed to as evaluated export code I have to write it with double carets as ‘^^value()^^’, this being the method of escaping a caret in $Text exported via the ^text^ code.

Ya, thanks for that. This exercise has been enlightening and fun. Learned a lot about Tinderbox. @PaulWalters’s Text Soap suggestion I think is an awesome solution for the code work.


On the question of embedded images in Preview:

It’s tricky, but I figured out how to do it last night. Actual implementation might take a while, but I think it can be done.


Sweet!!! :slight_smile: