If the title is a 2-byte character, $HTMLExportFileName must be alphanumeric.
I use a stamp to set $HTMLExportFileName in English ( with Translate Shell ).
I made a simple modification based on the original file.
Set $HTMLExportFileName of each note in English
Set MyNumber
Fix the “弧线视图/Element” template <a href="SceneView/^value($HTMLExportPath.split("/").at(-1))^"> <a href="^value($HTMLExportFileName($Name(parent)))^/^value($HTMLExportPath.split("/").at(-1))^">
Add and fix “Templates/Header” from the original file.
Is this necessary for internal preview? My hunch is yes as even if not exporting, OS safefy restrictions for the browser means Tinderbox has to make (‘export’) pages even if this is intenal and never seen on disk.
Based on what fixed in the original demo (see above), I’ve also cleaned up the HTML in file ‘样板FixVersion.tbx’ (otherwise unchanged), and attach it here: 样板FixVersion-clean HTML.tbx (462.1 KB).
I don’t read Chinese so I’ve copy/pasted text based on where it went in the original TBX and put the same text in the same place in the ‘fixed’ HTML.
I hope I’ve introduced no errors and meanwhile, the HTML code is as per W3C and not a the WebKit engine’s best guess of the occasionally bizarre HTML code in the original document.
Oh, and apology to @wwchao as I can now see the bad HTML that called out wasn’t your choice but simply code copied for the original demo/tutorial file.