Prototype that has notes vertically in map view

Hopefully this is an easy one. I have a prototype called “StickyNote” and I’d like all my “sticky notes” to expand vertically in map view if their text doesn’t fit in the initial height and width.

I know about the document level setting and I know about the Note menu’s ‘Expand Vertically’. And atbref tells me that there’s an expand procedure, but I don’t understand how I’d use it.

Ideally, I’d like these “sticky notes” to expand vertically, but have different behavior with other notes. Can I do that kind of thing?

Alas, you cannot presently set this for individual notes. It’s a sensible feature request!

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For clarification the expand(scope,methodStr) operator uses the length of title ($Name) not text ($Text) as the criteria for the degree of expansion. The method described above wuold need a new operator based on $Text size.

An important edge case here is what happens when this automated expand encroaches on the space occupied by another note. Does expansion halt? Is the other note forced aside? But, what if that move causes another space collision. Care needs to be exercised is ‘just’ letting notes overlap lest this confuse other parts of the app that are detecting the user indicating they want note to nest. There is currently no signal the user can send to say ‘no nesting here’.

Alright, I’ll continue doing this manually. I don’t have that many notes that I want to expand in this way.

Is there a way that you’d like us to mark forum posts as feature requests?


These days, just mentioning that something might be a feature request is plenty.