Revisiting Devonthink Annotations to Tinderbox

You probably want grep to use Perl regular expressions. Unfortunately, the older version of grep ((BSD grep) 2.5.1-FreeBSD) that ships with MacOS does not support them. However, you can get the latest version ((GNU grep) 3.6) by first installing HomeBrew [1] and the installing gnu grep (brew install grep). Once done, you instruct GNU grep to use PCRE [2] by passing ‘-P’ on the command line [3]. Let me know if you have questions on this.

  3. GNU Grep 3.8
  4. The GNU Operating System and the Free Software Movement

BTW, Roger had walked me through this process. It is a pretty straightforward process once you get over using the terminal and the fear of breaking something. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I appreciate your info, but I should have deleted that post months ago. What I said there is useless.