Hey there, I’d like to revision the best approach for getting DevonThink 3 annotations out of DevonThink and into Tinderbox.
I found this thread useful, Exporting annotations from DEVONthink to Tinderbox - #24 by mdavidson, but it is a lot of work. It did help stimulate some thinking, though.
The process [I think] I’d like to follow:
- Summarize notes in DevonThink, either as RTF or Markdown (as part of this process I want the summarized notes to include the Details, Tags, and custom Citation and Bibliography files associated with the DevonThink file in DT3…let’s put this aside for a second as I have no idea how to do this, it is a secondary issue). I think the best approach will be to use Markdown (see below).
- Drag summarized DT3 note over to Tinderbox
- Explode note
- Create a stamp that parses the markdown so that the bits get put into their respective attributes
Unexploded Note: Shows two annotations from DT3
Exploded Note
Shows elements I want: Page, URL, Text
Now, I looked at RegEx and figured this out (not really sure yet how this works), the following:
I can use this to isolate the DT Page number:
I can use this to isolate the DTURL for the note:
I can use this to isolate the annotations and notes:
Now, what I don’t know how to do is to pull this RegEx queries into a stamp so that I can have the pieces pulled into attributes (e.g. $DTPage, $DTURL) and $Text.
Finally, this is the ultimate output I’m looking for (there are some other bits but I don’t want to confuse this thread with those, yet):
Does anyone have any ideas on how to create the Stamp Action do to this?