As a long term owner of Tinderbox, as opposed to user, I’ve tried to introduce TB in my workflow in fits and starts, and it never quite gelled. The alternative of course is that today i have thousands of bits of notes with no way to link them or to pull them in a coherent whole.
When I heard about Roam, i was interested, and I started playing with it - with similar conclusions to many people: the paradigm is easy to use, the “on the fly” bidirectional link creation is very good at helping create a brain dump, and there is no way in hell i’m paying $30 a month … until I realised, again like others before me, that TB was probably pretty close to the local Roam instance I was dreaming of, without the “viral marketing hype” that is frankly a little grating, and with immense teaching resources.
And so for the past week or so, I’m invested - again - in putting my stuff in TB, and for now it’s working.
But I want to address @Agam’s comment re “better job to show how these things are Replicable”. I absolutely see where this comes from: Roam’s value, for me, was to click together the puzzle that was TB in my brain for years. And for all the value that aTBRef and this forum represent, there’s always been the feeling that we were missing a simpler way to start scaling the mountain.
I’d really like this NOT to be about Roam but to be about TB, so I’m going to open a new thread about it (A TB Starter Kit?).