This thread from the Roam Slack contains everything the dev has said about pricing and some interesting q&a. My own interpretation is that the priced version won’t be available for a long time ye - late this year at the earliest. What’s absolutely unknown yet is what features the priced version will include. The devs are still building their feature list, so even they don’t really know.
Devon 9 Jan at 15:42
What are Roam’s plans for pricing down the line? After just a week I feel tempted to dump my entire brain into this thing, but I’m hesitant to do so if I suddenly have to start paying an arm and a leg to access this prosthetic brain
dweb 3 days ago thread
Conor White-Sullivan
May still be a few months before we turn on normal SaaS pricing – but starting now, we will have a lifetime plan available for $10k
Legal guarantee - possibly with a code escrow - that you’ll always have access to @RoamResearch + can leave data in your will
Twitter | 8 Jan
dweb 3 days ago
tl;dr $30/month ish
Devon 3 days ago
Thanks! I saw the $10k thing, but not the monthly price. Where in the thread do you see $30/mo?
Conor White-Sullivan
@context_ing @RoamResearch Still working out specifics
Right now looking like it’ll be $30/month - cheaper for annual - cheaper for students/non-profits/unemployed
I personally think unemployed autodidacts should always get student benefits - scam that they don’t
Twitter | 8 Jan
Devon 3 days ago
Thank you! Gah Twitter threading
Tomavatars 3 days ago
That’s too much yet for me
Vítězslav Ackermann Ferko (Qwerty) 3 days ago
do they mean 10000 USD ?? like the price of a small car?
Frank McPherson 3 days ago
If $30 per month, I am out.
Alexander Schwarz 2 days ago
@Conor White-Sullivan Did you look at Coda with regard to pricing? I think they arrived at a good model and also had a really healthy exchange with the community in the process
Tomavatars 2 days ago
I can second @Alexander Schwarz for Coda as I’m deeply implied with them
Conor White-Sullivan 1 day ago
Folks - couple things here
Conor White-Sullivan 1 day ago
- Roam is free today, because we haven’t finished the stuff that we think should exist before charging — building the payment infrastructure is actually pretty low priority relative to a bunch of other stuff
- If you aren’t getting $1/day of value of out Roam - you probably haven’t actually learned how to use it yet — and this is our fault not yours (see 1 for why we aren’t charging yet)
Pricing isn’t going to roll out until after a real onboarding flow rolls out (among other things!)— current thinking is that you’ll be able to extend your free use of the tool by completing some quick tutorials and demonstrating you actually know how to use the features that will really help save you time, think more clearly, and get more value out of past notes
We’re considering a system where users who pay the full price have a few limited slots at a lower price they can give to their friends — you pay the full price when it’s actually obviously worth it to you and you want to start sharing it with other people who you know it will help who are more skeptical and price sensative
You’ll always be able to get your notes out in plain text, and machine readable form - so if you ever feel that Roam isn’t worth the price you can switch to another tool
If you make less than $20k a year, Roam will almost certainly be free
5 is my feeling right now - but lot to figure out there - so it is possible we won’t be able to do this or could cause a lot problems for us - but it’s a strong feeling I have and want to do whatever I can to make sure Roam isn’t something people are priced out of
If you make more than 20k a year - then it’s very very obviously worth $1/day for a tool that actually delivers as much value as Roam does to the people who have learned to use it - so the challenge for us is on user education side — if some of y’all drop off in the process, this is because we aren’t doing a good job there - and as we improve there, business health will improve.
If you aren’t getting at least 10x as much value from Roam as you do from an Evernote or Notion - we’ve failed on the education side - because the people who get that 10x value who we’ve met are pretty normal people solving pretty common problems.
- In terms of the 10k — this is something we’ll be offering to probably no more than 10 or 100 people — that’s not the normal pricing.
It’s a way for Roam to make long term promises to people who are making long term commitments to the company. And is meant as a signal to normal users that we aren’t about to pivot into some enterprise CRM tool, or get acquired, or shut down.
10k is in fact the price of a large used car - I lived in a van for a year that cost less than half of that. I’m extremely grateful, and slightly shocked, that one user has already stepped up to take us up on that offer.
Eli Tyre 1 day ago
The deal is I can give you 10k, and I get lifetime access to Roam for as long as the tool exists?
davidad 1 day ago
My understanding was it’s not merely as long as the tool exists: they (Roam) will find a way to legally and/or technically guarantee that the tool will still exist for you (as a lifetime customer) more like as long as the Web exists.
Eli Tyre 1 day ago
Lorenzo 1 day ago
@Conor White-Sullivan The only reason it felt a bit like a shock was that those of us who dive deep into everything you put out, trying to wring every bit of benefit we can from passing references had our thinking pegged to a specific price: $14 / month.
You’d referenced it in at least one video, and that’s the number I personally have been telling everyone who looks at me using it. Clearly I’d love to pay more – I emailed you weeks back asking you to take money that a company was giving me on a use-it-or-lose-it-by-year-end plan – but I think it was just the contrast of a 2.1x increase on the number I’ve been evangelizing.
I also really REALLY want to pay the $10K, worrying only that I won’t comfortably be at my next gig before I can put that together.
Devon 20 hours ago
Would the $10k price give collaborator access to the code too? I’m envisioning you’d have no obligation to accept PRs, but we’d have ability to at least view the code and possibly help accelerate development on features we’re most excited about.
Theo Koster @Theo_Koster
@Conaw @Rahul_Ramc @AnuragBaveja @RoamResearchI would look into the pricing model of LinkedIn. Three tiers: free (limited), professional and corporate, each with a different cost/benefit proposition. They seemed to have hit the sweet spot in the market for pricing levels, especially for the professional tier.
Twitter | 9 Jan