Searching for a note across several folders and or files (XQuery + Keyboard Maestro)

Here is a first draft of a Keyboard Maestro macro which searches for matching notes in any .tbx files in a given list of folders and/or specific file-paths.

Ver 0.01 (zipped)
xQuery over multiple Tinderbox (16.6 KB)

This version just gets a search pattern from a user prompt, and searches for matching text (plain strings or regex) in the $Name and $Text values of every note in every specified .tbx file.

(We could use the same XQuery-based approach to define search predicates over other attribute values etc)

Any matching notes are listed, with Markdown links (both tinderbox:// and hook:// URLs) back to those notes.

The listing is copied to the clipboard.

To use the Macro:

  1. Edit the value of its tbxFoldersAndOrFilePaths variable, listing the folders and or specific .tbx files which you wish to include in searches
  2. Assign a hotkey to the macro and experiment.

And something like an AppleScript ‘hello world’ for XQuery over Tinderbox files

(In this case, over just one Tinderbox file).

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation" -- We need Apple's Foundation framework for its XQuery processor
use scripting additions

on run
    -- The XML contents of the .tbx file that interests us,
    set strTBX to readFile("~/Desktop/sample-003.tbx")
    -- The string value of the Text element of every item at every level of nesting
    -- (View in the Messages panel of the Script Editor Results window)
    log valuesFromXQuery("for $item in //item return string($item/text)", strTBX)
    -- The string value of the attribute named "Name" for every item at every level of nesting
    -- (An AppleScript list of $Name attribute values)
    valuesFromXQuery("for $item in //item return string($item/attribute[@name='Name'])", strTBX)
end run

-----------------Reusable XQUERY function------------------

-- valuesFromXQuery :: XQuery String -> XML String -> Either String [a]
on valuesFromXQuery(strXQuery, strXML)
    -- Just in case: holders for reporting any errors in the XML or XQuery:
    set xmlError to reference
    set xqueryError to reference
    -- XML parsed,
    set {docXML, xmlError} to (current application's NSXMLDocument's alloc()'s ¬
        initWithXMLString:strXML options:0 |error|:xmlError)
    if xmlError is not missing value then
        return (localizedDescription of xmlError) as string
    end if
    -- XQuery applied
    set {xs, xqueryError} to (docXML's objectsForXQuery:strXQuery |error|:xqueryError)
    if xqueryError is not missing value then
        (localizedDescription of xqueryError) as string
        -- A list of values returned from the XQuery over the XML
        xs as list
    end if
end valuesFromXQuery


-- readFile :: FilePath -> IO String
on readFile(strPath)
    set ca to current application
    set e to reference
    set {s, e} to (ca's NSString's ¬
        stringWithContentsOfFile:((ca's NSString's ¬
            stringWithString:strPath)'s ¬
            stringByStandardizingPath) ¬
            encoding:(ca's NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(e))
    if missing value is e then
        s as string
        (localizedDescription of e) as string
    end if
end readFile
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For XQueries over multiple .tbx documents, we generate a small virtual XML document, which contains an include tag (with a url) for each document which we want to include in the query.

We can then apply our XQuery to that virtual document, which, for a query over three .tbx files for example, might look something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<tbxfiles xmlns:xi="">
    <tbxdoc text="" path="/Users/houthakker/Desktop/" file="SampleA.tbx">
        <xi:include href="file:///Users/houthakker/Desktop/SampleA.tbx"/>
    <tbxdoc text="" path="/Users/houthakker/Desktop/" file="SampleB.tbx">
        <xi:include href="file:///Users/houthakker/Desktop/SampleB.tbx"/>
    <tbxdoc text="" path="/Users/houthakker/Desktop/" file="SampleC.tbx">
        <xi:include href="file:///Users/houthakker/Desktop/SampleC.tbx"/>
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And we save that that small virtual file as collection.xml, we can run an XQuery over it to generate a sorted list of the names of all notes in those three files:

use AppleScript version "2.4"
use framework "Foundation" -- We need Apple's Foundation framework for its XQuery processor
use scripting additions

on run
    -- XML with an <include> tag for the URL of each file that interests us:
    set strTBX to readFile("~/Desktop/collection.xml")
    -- A sorted AppleScript list of $Name values drawn from 3 .tbx files
    set strXQuery to unlines({¬
        "for $item in //item ", ¬
        "let $name := $item/attribute[@name='Name']\n", ¬
        "order by $name return string($name)"})
    valuesFromXQueryOverCollection(strXQuery, strTBX)
end run

-----------------Reusable XQUERY function------------------

-- valuesFromXQueryOverCollection :: XQuery String -> XML String -> Either String [a]
on valuesFromXQueryOverCollection(strXQuery, strXML)
    -- Just in case: holders for reporting any errors in the XML or XQuery:
    set xmlError to reference
    set xqueryError to reference
    -- XML parsed,
    set ca to current application
    set {docXML, xmlError} to (ca's NSXMLDocument's alloc()'s ¬
        initWithXMLString:strXML options:(ca's NSXMLDocumentXInclude) |error|:xmlError)
    if xmlError is not missing value then
        return (localizedDescription of xmlError) as string
    end if
    -- XQuery applied
    set {xs, xqueryError} to (docXML's objectsForXQuery:strXQuery |error|:xqueryError)
    if xqueryError is not missing value then
        (localizedDescription of xqueryError) as string
        -- A list of values returned from the XQuery over the XML
        xs as list
    end if
end valuesFromXQueryOverCollection


-- readFile :: FilePath -> IO String
on readFile(strPath)
    set ca to current application
    set e to reference
    set {s, e} to (ca's NSString's ¬
        stringWithContentsOfFile:((ca's NSString's ¬
            stringWithString:strPath)'s ¬
            stringByStandardizingPath) ¬
            encoding:(ca's NSUTF8StringEncoding) |error|:(e))
    if missing value is e then
        s as string
        (localizedDescription of e) as string
    end if
end readFile

-- unlines :: [String] -> String
on unlines(xs)
    -- A single string formed by the intercalation
    -- of a list of strings with the newline character.
    set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
        {my text item delimiters, linefeed}
    set str to xs as text
    set my text item delimiters to dlm
end unlines

This sounds very promising! Giving it a spin this evening.

Outstanding, @ComplexPoint. Thanks for sharing.