Sort order on containers

Hi, I just want to verify that the behavior I’m seeing is intentional… when I have a container (I hope that’s the right terminology: a note containing other notes in the Outline view), I first have the order of the child notes set by hand:

  • A
  • Z
  • B

If I then change the container sort order (in this case to “alpha note name”), it will change to:

  • A
  • B
  • Z

Now, if I change the sort order back to “don’t sort”, the notes will stay in A, B, Z order, and not revert back to the old A, Z, B manual order. Is that right? Is there any way to “remember” the old manual order, or should I think of the sorting ability as a one-time action on my notes?

If you’d like to go back to sorting notes in the order of their creation, sort by $Created.

If you have a manual order you want to preserve, you can set a user attribute (say, $ManualSort) to the $SiblingOrder for each note. Then, to go back to your manual sort order, sort by $ManualSort.

… That’s it, thanks!