Stamp: Open DEVONthink record in default application

Continuing the discussion from Tinderbox and DEVONthink Pro:

You’ve got a Tinderbox note with its $URL set to a x-devonthink-item:// URL, and want to open the corresponding record in its default application instead of in a DEVONthink window.

To do that, use this stamp:

if(!$URL.beginsWith("x-devonthink-item://")) { return; };

var theUUID;
var theScript;

theUUID = $URL.replace("x-devonthink-item://", "");
theScript = '
  tell application id "DNtp"
  	set the_record to (get record with uuid "' + theUUID + '")
  	set the_path to path of the_record
    quoted form of the_path
  end tell

var theResult;
theResult = runCommand("/usr/bin/osascript | tr -d '\n'", theScript);
runCommand("open " + theResult);

Note: This will only open the record in its default application. If you want to open it in a different application, you’ll have to figure that part out yourself :slight_smile: