I’m having a little trouble getting accustomed to the modifed key operations in Tbx 10 - I see that this change has affected my Note-renaming actions.
While renaming a Note:
If I press Shift-Cmd-Return and then the Up arrow key, it used to be that the cursor would hop to the beginning of the Note’s Name. Now, pressing the Up arrow completely abandons the current renaming operation, and skips to the Note above the one I’m currently on. Naturally, a similar anomaly occurs when pressing the Down arrow - Tbx abandons rename operation, and skips to the next Note.
If after completing whatever renaming I want to (for example I change a word in the middle of a Note’s Name), then hit “Return” to effect the name change - the result is messy. Rather than record the new Name, my Note splits out into the existing Name truncated at the cursor position, and whatever text followed the cursor position is split out into a new blank Note.
Of course, I could re-train my muscle memory to press cmd-Left arrow and cmd-Right arrow after pressing shift-Return in order to jump to the beginning/end of the Name field, but it’s an extra keypress and also doesn’t seem concordant with Mac renaming behavior.
Similar with completing the rename - what key would I now press under Tbx 10 (other than Up Arrow and Down Arrow) to effect my name change without having the Note split out?
Lastly, please note that since I don’t have my extended keyboard while on the road, the Cmd-8 toggle for "Enter Key: " does nothing for me - the MacBook Pro keyboard has a “Return” key. Therefore I wonder if the Ctrl- key could be deployed to offer the same options for situations where there is no extended keyboard available?