TBX Tip: Copying & editing embedded RTF links

TBX Tip: Copying & editing embedded RTF links

In the $Text highlight the linked text, and only the linked text, and then ctrl+click. This this will open up a pop-up menu. Select the Edit Link menu and the edit link pop-up will open. From this pop-up you can copy the link destination (aka link) or remove it.


Figure: Edit RTF Link Menu


Figure: Edit RTF Link Menu

Acknowledgement: I learned this tip from Sumner Gerard @sumnerg.

Let everyone know in which version of MacOS and Tinderbox this is possible

I think this is fine in at least 8+, maybe earlier, can’t be sure. As for macOS I don’t know there either. Maybe @sumnerg does.

I’m on v. 8.9.2 running on Big Sur 11.3.

I think it was working on Catalina but can’t test that.

I believe @mwra said the Edit Link... does not appear in the contextual menu in an earlier version of the MacOS.

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It certainly is not there in Mojave 10.14.6

This feature doesn’t work on Catalina on 8.9.2

It works fine on Big Sur on 8.9.2

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