Thank you all! Doctorate is on to documenting Tinderbox dissertation strategies

I’ve achieved a life dream—it only took 21 years, but who’s counting? :grinning: —I’ve completed my doctorate in business administration from Golden Gate University (GGU).

Becker, M. J. (2024). Predicting personal information management systems use (Publication No. 31334934). [Doctoral dissertation, Golden Gate University] ProQuest Dissertation and Theses Global.

I’d want to express my gratitude to for @eastgate, Tinderbox, and this community. There is NO WAY I would ever have gotten it done without you all.

What’s Next

When you achieve huge milestones like this, it does not mean you are done. It means that you are just getting started—you are now ready to take all your learnings and focus them on making a difference in this world. My focus is to:

  1. Support my family, industry, society
  2. Help us all achieve The Identity Nexus—the equilibrium state where the reward-to-risk ratio of digital identities and personal data exchange between individuals, public, and private organizations are balanced. Here is to Bhutan NDI, Military Connect®, and countless others who inspire me.
  3. To help develop and roll out Empowerment Tech to everyone—individuals, public, and private institutions. Among other activities, this will require that we help everyone embrace the “five-fold path to phygital sovereignty” (more on this later).
  4. To teach undergraduates, graduates, and industry professionals, and to keep learning myself (big thanks to California State Polytechnic University-Pomona, National University, GGU, Saint Mary’s College of California, Santa Clara University, Mobile Ecosystem Forum, and Association of National Advertisers). I want to share what I’ve learned so others can build off of my efforts and not have to repeat my same mistakes (or at least not in the same way)—my topics of interest include but are not limited to, digital identities and personal data management, strategic mobile marketing, and the 5Cs of knowledge management for unleashing creative potential. Countless frameworks, processes, governance models, business models, regulations, technologies, and more must be considered within each subject area.

We live in a complex, multi-disciplinary world. We need to come together to make a difference. I look forward to future collaborations with my Tinderbox family. Again, my thanks and much gratitude. :pray: :man_bowing:


Congratulations Doctor Becker!!!

It’s been interesting reading (and, later, watching) your Tinderbox journey from “huh, what?” to global expert, and gratifying to see how you’ve applied intense energy to your chosen fields of interest. You credit Tinderbox, rightfully so, but it’s really all about your commitment and focus :clap: :clap: :clap:


Well said, @PaulWalters!

Many congratulations to you, drsatikusala, and warmest wishes for you to achieve and surpass all your goals and aspirations!!

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Dear Dr. Michael Becker,
Congratulations on getting your Ph.D.
Yours, WAKAMATSU (from Japan)

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Well done Doctor Becker! You are an object lesson to all of us in the value of persistence in coming to understand, and later to master, complex ideas and technologies. I can think of no one who deserves that Ph.D. more than you.


Félicitations !

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Dr Michael Becker - that does sound nice! Warmest of congratulations on this huge achievement! I am very happy for you :hugs:

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Congratulations, Dr. Becker!

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Thanks. BTW, I referenced you in my study. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for letting me know! I am happy if my work helped! :grin:

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Congratulations Michael! You have conquered one of life’s great milestones! Very happy for you.

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Thank you!!! Once the dust settles, I’ll create a Tinderbox course on how to do your dissertation through and with Tinderbox. :slight_smile:


I will be looking forward to this, even piecemeal. I’m really good at the collection phase of information. Ditto idea generation. I think my major professor would really like to see me finish, but since I am unfunded, he doesn’t have any levers :wink:

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Let’s setup a call. Maybe there is something I can do short-term to help you out.

Well Congratulations! Holy :innocent: cow​:cow:!!
And thank you for your helpful tutorials.

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Thanks, John. :slight_smile: I got a letter last week that confirmed that the dissertation has been incorporated into the Library of Congress registry.

Also, it has been on the SSRN Top Downloads Cybersecurity, Privacy, & Networks eJournal list for the last 60 days. :slight_smile:

Finally, I’ve been invited to speak in Chicago to the U.S. Army’s marketing team and next month in Bhutan at their [Innovation Forum}(2024 Forum - Bhutan Innovation Forum).

All exciting.

Could not have pulled any of this off without Tinderbox and this community.


Awesome. Please note that the second “cow” should have been an emoji cow. It wandered off somewhere apparently.

I am curious about affordances in Tinderbox. It seems to facilitate thinking, but not without a deep investment of time and thought. This seems true of books—particularly difficult books—as well.

Can you expand on your curiosity? I’d love to respond. For me, there is absolutely no doubt that TBX facilitates thinking: multiple lenses/views of data, automation of repeated tasks, and friction where necessary. Take a look at last week’s meetup. As I was preparing the talk I started mapping out the terms and concepts that I’ve learned along the way. At first pass, this may seem really daunting, but I think that is mostly because I had to figure it out without a roadmap and an infinite amount of support from @mwra and the community.

Now/we know how to teach Tinderbox. Honestly, the Tinderbox part is straightforward—learn HTML, CSS, RegEx, incremental formalization, transclusion, and the basic action code syntax, and you’re good to go. The hard part is being willing to unlearn what we’ve all been through from word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation software (output software)—there is a better way. It is Tinderbox (input software). Work your content in input software; make it pretty(er) in output. Tinderbox can actually do a GREAT job pretty, too!

Once I get back from Bhutan I plan on putting together a course.

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Can you expand on your curiosity? I’d love to respond. For me, there is absolutely no doubt that TBX facilitates thinking: multiple lens/views of data, automation of repeated tasks, friction where necessary. Take a look at last week’s meetup. As I was preparing the talk I started mapping out the terms and concepts that I’ve learned along the way. At first pass, this may seem really daunting, but I think that is mostly because I had to figure it out without a roadmap and an infinite amount of support from @mwra and the community.

Now/we know how to teach Tinderbox. Honestly, the Tinderbox part is straight forward—learn HTML, CSS, RegEx, incremental formalization, tranclusion, and the basic action code syntax and you’re good to go. The hard part is being willing to unlearn what we’ve all been through from word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation software (output software)—there is a better way. It is Tinderbox (input software). Work your content in input software; make it pretty(er) in output. Tinderbox can actually do a GREAT job pretty, too!

Once I get back from Bhutan I plan on putting together a course.

My curiosity began with my interest in how writing rewires minds. The expression, “I write to see what I think” comes up quite often.

But that is weird. What is going on anyway? The brain tells the hand to grab a pen and write some symbols that the eyes can send back to the brain so the brain can figure out what it is thinking about.


Thinking about this bothers me a lot, no matter how many times I write it down so I can think about it again. By “bothers me,” I mean that writing is a fascinating, gnarly problem that I want to understand better.

I quite interested in how Tinderbox interacts with different sorts of minds, and am looking forward to seeing how different people use it.

Tinderbox is cool because it isn’t only a “note-taking” application.

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