Things grow old ... reports of obsolescent aTbRef content welcomed

Thanks to @TomD for noting this page: Self-Cancelling Rules & Actions

It addresses something that became possible in Tinderbox v3.5.2 … back in July 2006! But, don’t we have $RuleDisabled? Yes, but it didn’t arrive until v5.8.0 in March 2011. What about Edicts? Well $Edict and $EdictDisabled didn’t arrive until v6.1.3 in January 2015.

@TomD rightly points out we have $RuleDisabled/$EdictDisabled and whilst it is likely to be the more normal desire of users—i.e. merely disabling, not deleting, action code—the original article’s concept still has a niche use. So, work is required. The article is on my to-do list for a full revision which might result in a cluster of new articles.

The point of noting this is to beg your indulgence in reporting any similar atBref article that whilst not wrong as such are outdated or overtaken by subsequent changes. I generally don’t remove content unless (now) wrong, but often even a light re-editing can improve usefulness to the reader.

So, orders of aTbRef, such reports are welcome. If I know of an issue, I can address it.

†. Just one of the reasons keeping the old baselines alive has a value. Tinderbox is 23 years old and change/improvement has been constant.