Tinderbox APAC Meetup (APAC—Saturday Jan. 4/U.S. Matinee, Jan. 3), 2025

This session is scheduled to accommodate our APAC community members in our timezone.

Bring your projects and puzzlements! Everyone is welcome. Long-time Tinderbox users, new Tinderbox users, and non-Tinderbox users are very welcome to join in on the discussion.

FRIDAY, 13 DEC 2024

For those out in APAC land, please comment and let us know if you plan on attending and what you might like to cover.


Japan - 9 am
Sydney - 11 am
PST - 4 pm
EST - 7 pm
GMT - Midnight

Join Details

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 617 924 9044

Passcode: tinderbox

For more details and to join the conversation with the Tinderbox community, visit the Tinderbox Forum. Tinderbox Meetup Calendar.

Ugh. I didn’t calculate what time this would be in Mumbai, it will be 5:30 am and no way I can be up and Tinderboxing that early.

Shall we push it back an hour or two? Make it 6:30 or 7:30, would that work?

I appreciate it! However I’m generally not too good before 8:30 am, plus heavily jet lagged this week and nursing a bug. Then again, I am better suited for the Saturday session as it will be 22:30 here in India.

Perhaps we could poll to see how many attendees there might be for the APAC session, and table/skip accordingly? Just a thought.

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