Tinderbox Lesson - Building Nested Lists with Functions

Tinderbox Lesson - Building Nested Lists

Level Intermediate
Published Date 12/26/22
Tags 5CKMEl, 5Cs of Knowledge Management and Exchange, Action Code, Functions, Nested List
Video Length 00:20:18
Example File TBX L - Bulleted List.tbx (241.7 KB)
Video URL Tinderbox Lesson - Building Nested Lists with Functions - YouTube
TBX Version 9.5
Instructor Michael Becker

In this lesson, I explain how to build a nested bulleted list in Tinderbox (I’ve covered bulleted lists before, but not 2-layer nested lists). I find the ability to create lists with my notes to be an essential part of my thinking process and for managing my output.

Background: Focussing on Keeping Content Separate from Structure and Appearance

Tinderbox makes it possible for me to separate content from structure and appearance: content is the actual text I’m working with, the structure is its layout (e.g., heading layout vs. bulleted list), and appearance is color, font, etc. Separating content from its structure and appearance gives me the opportunity to optimize the reuse my content in different situations, e.g., for a report, a presentation, or to help me with my thinking.

What’s Needed to Create a Bulleted List

There are many ways to create create a bulleted list in Tinderbox, as I’ve discussed before. The approach I show here leverages the following Tinderbox capabilities:

  • General Notes
  • Templates and HTML
  • Action code
    • collect()
    • if(condition){actions}[else{actions}]
  • Two functions, 1 to create the first tier list and conte to create the second tier list

For help with creating an unordered list check out W3Schools.

About Michael J. Becker

I am passionate about helping people achieve results by unleashing their creative and intellectual potential. My method: The 5Cs of Knowledge Management, a personal knowledge management system that I’ve developed, and am developing; the system incorporates a layered approach to unleashing one’s knowledge. The system meets you where you are so that you can adapt it to where you want to go.

I welcome the opportunity to connect and collaborate:

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My goal in life is to inform, inspire, educate, and help people execute to achieve their aspirations and goals. I am a strategic product, market, and business development advisor, a speaker, a writer, an educator, and a student. I’m extremely passionate about identity and personal information management and developing solutions that will help people take control and ownership of their identity and personal data. I’m also enthralled with Tinderbox, an amazing tool that will empower you and help sent your insights free. Tinderbox can be your second brain. It will help you master the 4Cs of knowledge management: collection, curation, creation, and contribution.

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FYI, @mwra called out two errors I had in the video. My own file worked but I did not code it right when recording the video. Sorry. I had miscoded the variable passed to the second-tier function and put my second-tier list information into the wrong place. Both issues are now fixed in the attached example file. Thanks, @mwra.