Tinderbox Meet-up 29 May - Map Sorting/Data Triage: the 'Webster' method

There is a meet-up this Sunday 29 May. Sadly @eastgate can’t make it this week but is kindly letting us use the usual Eastgate Zoom channel for the call (details/times below): Mark Anderson will host the call. We’ll figure out a recording of sorts.


9 AM Pacific Time

Noon Eastern time

1400 São Paulo

1600 UTC

1700 UTC/London

1800 Paris

2230 Dehli

Zoom link for meeting

After new business, I will share a TBX looking at note triage. more in a separate post here later, but this builds of Tom Webster’s 2010 video (required (free) Vimeo login to view). The v6+ app design doesn’t allow the same TBX method but we can do similar and reflect on ways to extend the method for different needs. The original context is opinion polling, but as easily might be personal annotations on a source: the ideas can travel.


This is a great idea, Mark - I found Tom Webster’s video very inspiring when I watched it many years ago. I won’t be able to participate in the meeting due to a family festivity, but I much look forward to watching the video afterwards!

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This is the document we’ll look at later today: topic-triage.tbx (166.5 KB) Updated version post meet-up demo, topic-triage-ed1.tbx (195.1 KB)

This set of map adornments is where the magic happens:

Updated version, post demo.

See you later!

(Edit: the TBX has a README section for those who like to read ahead).


With apologies, an updated corrected version of the above TBX, having spotted some issues during the demo. Also, (kudos @echuck) I’ve added method that let’s you add processed noted back to the source folder at which point they are re-aded to the processing queue.

As said in the demo, don’t try to follow the detail but consider how the general mechanism supports your work. Different tpics/tasks will all suggest various changes form my basic model.

Here’s the updated file: topic-triage-ed1.tbx (195.1 KB)


Great session today. Thanks for your expertise Mark and MichaelB. This was great.


Chat log, courtesy @archurhh: Tbx_2022-05-29_chat.txt.zip (908 Bytes)

Here is a link to today’s video: Tinderbox Meetup, Sunday May 29, 2022: Qualitative and Quantitative Data Analysis with Tinderbox - YouTube.


I’ve added the video to the overall listing meet-ups.

Video also here: TBXMeetup_29MAY22.mp4 on Vimeo