Tinderbox Meetup APAC (Friday Evening in NA, Sat, Morning in APAC): Feb. 7

This session is scheduled to accommodate our APAC community members in our timezone.

Bring your projects and puzzlements! Everyone is welcome. Long-time Tinderbox users, new Tinderbox users, and non-Tinderbox users are very welcome to join in on the discussion.

FRIDAY, 7 FEB 2024


Japan - 9 am
Sydney - 11 am
PST - 4 pm
EST - 7 pm
GMT - Midnight

Join Details

Zoom Meeting ](Redirect Notice)&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw2pNRtN55k4LOMEnS9TlmX8)

Meeting ID: 617 924 9044

Passcode: tinderbox

For more details and to join the conversation with the Tinderbox community, visit the Tinderbox Forum.](Redirect Notice).&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw2GPSqZKcm3hHKbGiJeeNyF) Tinderbox Meetup Calendar.](Redirect Notice).&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw3050AOUNFaNXxF4f-l1lOB)

Hi All, if anyone in APAC (or anywhere for that matter) wants to join this session, I’m on Zoom.