Tinderbox Meetup APAC, Jan. 3, 2025 (Video): Developing a Lecture Plan (A Start)

Tinderbox Meetup APAC, Jan. 3, 2025 (Video): Developing a Lecture Plan (A Start)

Level Intermediate
Published Date 1/3/25
Revision 2
Revision History @PaulWalters identified a typo in sample file, fix.
Type Meetup
Tags Attendance, Lecture Planning, Seating Chart, Teaching, 5CKM, 5Cs of Knowledge Management, Eastgate, Identiy Praxis, Inc., Mark Berstein, Michael Becker, Tinderbox
Video Length 01:44:51
Video URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHWT_eIefOY
Example File TBX Meetup 3JAN25R2.tbx (451.9 KB)
TBX Version 10
Host Michael Becker

In this Tinderbox Meetup, the first of our meets geared toward the APAC timezone, we discussed steps for teaching a class with Tidnebox, e.g., managing attendance, creating a lecture plan, using a seating charge, and teaching in general. We did not necessarily complete everything we were working through, but we had a good discussion, nonetheless.


.tbx file opens with several errors.

Thanks for the headsup, @PaulWalters. That is not surprising. This was an ad-hoc exercise during a meetup, and as such, “errors” will happen.

The error is actually one 1, replicated in two places. Note how the argument in the condition is not proplery closed, a : rather than a " was used.

Again, many thanks for calling it out. I’ve updated the file.