Tinderbox Meetup March 18, 2023 Video: Hookmark and Include Review

Tinderbox Meetup March 18, 2023 Video: Hookmark and Include Review

Level Intermediate
Published Date 3/18/23
Revision 1
Type Meetup
Tags 5Cs Knowledge Management, Anki, Blogging, Hookmark, Include, Memory Places, Template, Tinderbox
Video Length 01:33:22
Video URL Tinderbox Meetup March 18, 2023 Video: Hookmark and Include Review - YouTube
Example File TBX Meeetup 18MAR23 Include Demo.tbx (632.3 KB)
TBX Version 9.5
Instructor Michael Becker
Chat [chat.txt

In this Tinderbox meetup, we cover the following:

Memory Places and Flip Cards

@fidel is working on a method to use TBX to help with memory and reputation learning (e.g., the Anki method). Mark Anderson demoed updates to the method.

Hook Demo

Michael Becker reviewed the use of Hookmark with Tinderbox (see aTbRef).

Tinderbox Macros

@MWRA explained how macros in Tinderbox work.

Inclusion or Transclusion

We reviewed the use of ‘’ in the context of inserting random images in a blog.


Please comment

Please help with the development of future sessions by answering the three questions below.

  • What were your top 2~3 key takeaways from this lesson?
  • What do you want to learn next? Learn more about?
  • What exercises would help reinforce your learning?
1 Like

Of course I have not watched the video yet, but wait for an answer, I will give my opinion on the matter.

Sorry, answer on what?

Sorry, I got confused myself, I guess I wanted to reply to the other thread)