Tinderbox 9.1 is just around the corner! Mark Bernstein will present an overview of the new release and suggest some ways that the new facilities will improve work for beginners and experienced Tinderbox users.
Plus: plenty of time to discuss new projects and solve problems.
Time: Saturday December 4, 2021 Noon Eastern Time (US and Canada)
9 AM Pacific Time
Noon Eastern time
1300 São Paulo
1600 UTC
1700 London
1800 Paris
2130 Dehli
I watched most of this series. Thank you for your devotion to this meeting.
I’d like to say two things. Firstly this video of meetup 4thDec. was too blurry to watch. Secondly, I hope to chance to get caption in English, because English is not my mother language if possible.
Sorry to hear that. I’ve just watched a bit of @eastgate’s Vimeo for this meet-up in several places, full screen and not and on different sized monitors and it looks fine. That would suggest your connection to the Vimeo server (somewhere on LAN, broadband connection or internet path to Vimeo.com) is getting slowed down and Vimeo is trying to compensate. Most video streamers now monitor delivery bandwidth and auto-correct the quality of recording passed. If I recall, YouTube does this constantly, in small segments so the quality of transmitted video to rise and fall during the viewing of a single video! This may not be the error, watching the same video while connecting from a different LAN/wi-fi would help sort that.
I don’t believe Vimeo does automatic close captions (or not for free) but there may be some services that would generate an (English transcript) for you, with time codes for cross-reference. I’m in a meeting shortly with some people who know more about captioning so will post back if there are any good resources that might help.
Further to my last, I think otter.ai basic does (free) quite good transcripts. Those will of course be in English but you could then use Google Translate on the transcript or any hard to understand parts. Many of us here in this community do understand that not everyone is a native English-language speaker.
One other thought. If specific terms describing Tinderbox or the way its codes work, etc., don’t translate clearly, do please ask here. Often there may be an alternate word for the same thing that translates better. Questions are welcomed. The aim here is to help fellow users, whatever their native/working language.