Tinderbox Meetup, Sat., Feb. 1, 2025 (Video): Working with CSS and Templates in Tinderbox

Tinderbox Meetup, Sun., Jan. 26, 2025 (Video): Working with CSS and Templates in Tinderbox

Level Intermediate
Published Date 2/1/25
Revision 1
Type Meetup
Tags AI, CSS, Court Room, Expert Witness, HTML, LLM, Markup, Media, Ziplinks, w3 School, 5CKM, 5Cs of Knowledge Management, Eastgate, Identiy Praxis, Inc., Mark Berstein, Michael Becker, Tinderbox
Video Length 01:33:41
Video URL https://youtu.be/1RuqqH1WuvQ
Example File TBX Meetup 01FEB25.tbx (907.8 KB)
Chat File TBX Meetup 01FEB25_Chat.txt (4.3 KB)
TBX Version 10
Host Michael Becker

In this Tinderbox meetup, with covered a variety of topics, including 1) helping @dmrogers with working with $HTMLMarkupText, explaining the inner workings of TBX, 2) @bmgphd explaining how he used Tinderbox as an expert witness in the courtroom, 3) Zipthinks and how to use them and their scope, 4) how Tinderbox can interface with a local or hosted LLM (raised by @wtreese; @webline, your name came up, as did yours @AJayM—maybe the two of you could weigh in and help, and 5) an overview of CSS and templates in Tinderbox. On this last point, @satikusala gave various examples on how to use CSS, particularly through the lens of working with media. He also discussed export code and Tinderbox HTML export structure.


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Hi Michael, glad to help if I can! Do you have a time in the video I can jump to? Or a quick summary of what was discussed regarding LLMs?

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Whoops! The video link you have posted points to the Meetup from last Jan 26.

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The primary questions that you can help answer is this:

  1. How does one set a local LLM and connect Tinderbox to it to train it off of one’s only data?
  2. How does one interact with a hosted LLM model?

You explained a bit of this in the meetup that we had last year. Any chance you could help document the steps, join another meetup in the future, and walk us through it?

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Oh, you’re right. Here you go: https://youtu.be/1RuqqH1WuvQ.

Corrected above as well.

@wtreese Here is @webline OpenAI file: Tinderbox and the OpenAI API.

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Thanks Michael, since I think this is a bigger conversation, I’ve started a thread over here.

I’ll add more to that thread on how I did things, but I wanted to get started with what it’s doing for me and see who else is making LLMs work for them.

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Thanks, Michael!

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