Tinderbox Meetup Saturday, 19, Oct. 2024: High-level Tinderbox 101 Session

Tinderbox Meetup Saturday, 19, Oct. 2024: High-level Tinderbox 101 Session

Level Basic
Published Date 10/19/24
Type Meetup
Tags 5CKMEl, 5Cs of Knowledge Management and Exchange, Action Code, Atomic Notes, Attributes, Bookends, DevonTHINK, Inheritance, OnAdd, Protypte, Templates, Tinderbox, Views, Zotero, aTbRef
Video Length 01:28:31
Video URL https://youtu.be/TDu5blQRQGM
Chat File GMT20241019-160350_RecordingnewChat.txt (3.7 KB)
TBX Version 10.1
Host Michael Becker

In this Tindebox Meetup, we went back to the basics. A new member of our community/a new Tinderbox user noted (I’m paragraphing), “I’m working on doing academic and general research. I’m trying to organize a bunch of disparate documents—articles, books, and data—for my research I want to be able to link references to support the claims in my studies. I’ve downloaded Tinderbox but do not know how to get started. How should I start? What should I do?” Using these question as a starting point, we opened up a blank Tinderbox file and methodically walked through key Tinderbox use cases and capabilities, e.g., 1) creating a note, e.g., “atomic notes,” 2) using and creating attributes, 3) working with prototypes and the concept of inheritance, 4) working with action code—we used $OnAdds as an example, 4) looking at Map vs. Outline View, 5) the concepts of templating and various methods of getting your notes out of Tinderbox, 6) working with media, and 7) working with other software, like, Zotero or Bookends, or TextExpander and DevonTHINK.

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