Tinderbox Meetup Saturday 27JUL2024: Set up and Manage Your Resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV) in Tinderbox

In this meetup, Michael Becker will explore how to set up and manage your resume/curriculum vitae (CV) in Tinderbox. Tinderbox is the perfect solution for this exercise; it empowers you to capture all the nitty-gritty details of your life experiences in one place and then enables you to incrementally formalize and manage your output in a straightforward manner. Becker will review the use of prototypes, attributes, templates, functions, and several action code operators. He will also demonstrate converting HTML files to MS Word using Pandoc.

Also, bring your projects and puzzlements! Everyone is welcome. Long-time Tinderbox users, new Tinderbox users, and non-Tinderbox users are very welcome to join in on the discussion.


9 AM Pacific Time

Noon Eastern time

1300 São Paulo

1600 UTC

1700 London

1800 Paris

2130 Delhi

Join Details

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 617 924 9044

Passcode: tinderbox

For more details and to join the conversation with the Tinderbox community, visit the Tinderbox Forum. Tinderbox Meetup Calendar.

I’m looking forward to this session. I did a prep review with @mwra yesterday. I’ve a lot of ideas and materials to share. This is a complete end-to-end Tinderbox capabilities demonstration. While it will not touch on every capability, which would be impossible, it will touch on the core foundational elements of note organization, attributes, prototypes, action code, RegEx, agents, templates, exporting (i.e., getting stuff out of Tinderbox), etc. It will also provide examples of capturing data for resume and CV writing, sleuthing errors in your code, and more.