Tinderbox Meetup SATURDAY: June 18

Time: SATURDAY June 18, 2022 Noon Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Let’s talk about the ways we organize projects. How many Tinderbox do you have? How many do you keep open? What’s the role of experimental “skunkworks” projects?

PLUS: bring your new projects, inspirations, and recent obstacles. Novices are especially welcome!

9 AM Pacific Time

Noon Eastern time

1400 São Paulo

1600 UTC

1700 UTC/London

1800 Paris

2230 Dehli

Zoom link for meeting

Upcoming meetings:

  • SUNDAY, June 26: logging and debugging in Tinderbox
  • SATURDAY, July 2

Chat: meeting_saved_chat.txt.zip (4.0 KB)

@eastgate, if the meeting was scheduled to UTC 1600, São Paulo’s correct time is (1300 UTC-3). I guess that when you subtracted São Paulo’s time from UTC you used London’s GMT +1 time instead.

same for Delhi - 21:30 IST

@MarkB I was reviewing the meetup and was fascinated by the quick and dirty maps MarkB was able to make quickly to visualize the “table talk” chats in history, however the code used was masked by the position of the images of people attending.

Any chance MarkB can post a sample of his demonstration? This would be super useful.

Shout out to Bruce for moderating and the multiple tips by MarkA!

Thanks in advance,

Has the video been posted? If so, could you give the link? Thanks!

Not yet. Normally on Vimeo (will be on MB’s Vimeo page when up). Currently, last posted is for the 11th.

Thanks! That’s where I looked (in vain), but @TomD‘s post sounded like he had it… Will wait patiently :wink:

My bad, I posted it on the wrong day…my post should be for the 11th not the 18th. I will delete this post and post it to the correct meetup on June 11th


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Not yet: probably Sunday afternoon

Thanks, Tom - but perhaps better leave it, because it explains my and @mwra 's replies!

Video: TBX Meetup June 18 2022 on Vimeo

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