Tinderbox Meetup Sunday 08 Oct. Video: Tinderbox Praxis -theory and application - student grading assessment

Tinderbox Meetup Sunday 08 Oct. Video: Tinderbox Praxis -theory and application - student grading assessment

Level Advanced
Published Date 10/8/23
Type Meetup
Tags 5Cs, 5Cs Learning and Knowledge Management, Action Code, Assessment, Collect, Consistency, Dictionary, Education, Knowledge Management, PKM, Personal Knowledge Management, Quality, Quantity, Rubric, Teaching, Tinderbox
Video Length 01:36:07
Video URL https://youtu.be/nsDR4UUEOQc
Example File TBX Meetup 08Oct23.tbx (421.6 KB)
Chat [chat.txt
TBX Version 9.6
Instructor Michael Becker

In this Tinderbox Meetup, we spent the first part of the session exposing the theory and virtues of Tinderbox and how it benefits us all in our personal and collaborative exploration of knowledge. In the second half of the meetup, Becker did a deep dive into how he has/is developing a system for grading and assessing student work. As discussed in the meetup, not everyone will be interested in how Tinderbox can be used for teaching, grading in particular, but everyone can benefit from watching the application of Tinderbox in this context as they can learn about different problem-solving approaches, notes, attributes, prototypes, action code, and various operators.

To be clear, this meetup is dense. As we discussed at the end, this meeting will be best consumed with the pause button at the ready. We go into detail on a ton of Tinderbox operations in a very short period of time. Many might find the approach overwhelming. At the 24-minute mark, i.e., just before we started the deep dive, Michael Becker recorded a small video and inserted it into the meetup stream. This video summarizes the end point of what the following hour gets us to. Hopefully, by seeing where we end up, you’ll have a better chance of following how we got there. Again, there is a massive amount of information conveyed in today’s meeting. Please add to the comments if you have any questions about the specific tips & tricks conveyed, logic approaches, or specific Tinderbox operations.


  • Reviewed Tinderbox Theory and virtues
  • Deep dive into creating a TBX file to assess student assignment submissions

Tinderbox Insights

  • Begin with the simplest thing that can possibly work
  • Focus on incremental formalization
  • Say away from premature formalization
  • Tinderbox allows for lossless data reorganization
  • Baby steps and document your work
  • Learn from examples that may not fit your specific domain or exact problem
  • Focus on drawing abstraction and techniques from examples that may not be in your domains

Build an assignment grading rubric

How do I grade assignments in terms of quality, quantity, and consistency?

How can I have Tinderbox automate as much as possible in my file?

How do I then give the feedback to the students in the school’s LMS?

What we cover:

  • Tinderbox tips and tricks
  • Prototypes
  • Attribute creation
  • Attributes types
  • Action Code
    • OnAdd
    • Edicts
    • Functions
    • collect()
    • display attributes
    • text transmutation and inclusion
    • more


Please comment

Please help with the development of future sessions by answering the three questions below.

  • What were your top 2~3 key takeaways from this lesson?
  • What do you want to learn next? Learn more about?
  • What exercises would help reinforce your learning?
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