Tinderbox Meetup Sunday 9 March 2024 Video: Captain's Log, Grading & Rubric Management

Tinderbox Meetup Sunday 9 March 2024: Captain’s Log, Grading & Rubric Management

Type Meetup
Tags 5CKMEl, 5Cs of Knowledge Management and Exchange, Action Code, Apple Script, Eastgate, Grading, Identity Praxis, Inheritance, Link Types, Rubric, Task Managment, Tinderbox
Video Length 01:45:45
Video URL https://youtu.be/lwoNKFrlD68
Example File TBX L - Inheritance Overview.tbx (573.6 KB) and TBX L - Grading Rubric.tbx (394.6 KB)
TBX Version 8.9
Host Michael Becker

In this Tinderbox Meetup, we discussed the concept of inheritance in Tinderbox, creating and capturing notes with Apple Script, and grading and rubric management with Tinderbox.


Inheritance is a foundational and very powerful capability within Tinderbox. In a 10-minute rapid-fire session with Tinderbox, @satikusala (Michael Becker) reviewed the concept of inheritance in Tinderbox.

Captain’s Log

Dave Rogers reviewed his use of Apple Script to capture thoughts in Tinderbox while he triages his email. He developed an Apple Script that he can use to create notes and track the email URI in Tinderbox. See related form post: https://forum.eastgate.com/t/create-a-new-note-from-applescript/7393/6 .

Grading and Rubric Management in Tinderbox

@satikusala gave an in-depth review of how he is managing grading and rubric management in Tinderbox. We started with a new Tinderbox file and went through the process of creating a gradin and rubric management system in Tinderbox. Becker explained why he manages multiple files in one or more Tinderbox files (over 50K notes in total and the optimization of over tens of thousands of edicts and rules).


TBX Meetup 9MAR24 Unedited Zoom AI Companion Script

Quick recap [details=] Michael led a Tinderbox meetup discussion, highlighting the use of the tool for knowledge management and thought organization. Various topics were discussed, including the concept of inheritance in Tinderbox, the management of notes within the system, personal projects using Tinderbox, and the potential challenges of naming and hierarchies in software. The discussion also touched on the use of Tinderbox for grading student assignments and the importance of persistence in sandbox attributes. Towards the end, Michael demonstrated a grading system for a QR Code assignment and discussed the functionality of Tinderbox. [/details] [details=] Summary Tinderbox Knowledge Management Meetup [details=] Michael led a Tinderbox meetup discussion, highlighting the use of the tool for knowledge management and thought organization. He outlined the typical format of the meetups, which includes introductions from new participants and themed discussions. Michael also announced an upcoming talk by a member of the Tinderbox community. A brief review of Tinderbox was also conducted. Phil, a long-time Tinderbox user, shared his interest in using the tool to document his life history and his plans to experiment with creating a resume using Tinderbox. Michael suggested that Tinderbox could be an effective tool for managing a comprehensive history and selectively sharing elements of it in a resume. [/details] Inheritance and Note Management in Tinderbox App [details=] Michael discussed the concept of inheritance in the Tinderbox application, explaining that notes have attributes with default values that can be inherited from parents, ancestors, prototypes, or notes outside the hierarchy. He further clarified the concepts of intrinsic values, read-only attributes, and demonstrated how to reset inheritance using action codes. He also touched on the management of notes within the system, focusing on the use of prototypes and flags to indicate note status. The discussion was cut short due to a timer going off before Michael could demonstrate the application of this system to media prototypes and other note attributes. David raised a point about the challenges of naming and potential for misinterpretation in software hierarchies, while Michael opened the floor for further discussion. [/details] Tinderbox Project: Captain’s Log and Idea Logging [details=] Art informed the team that he was traveling and unable to join the meeting. Dave shared his personal project, the Captain’s Log, a daily notes system using Tinderbox with automation features. He explained how he uses Apple scripts to create a note directly in Tinderbox from his Mail, helping him record important points from his daily activities. Dave also shared his plans to refine the review and linking processes. The team discussed the potential usefulness of the tool and its features. Art proposed the use of tags for tracking changes, while Phil shared his concerns about metadata slowing him down. Dave also discussed his idea for a log where he could quickly capture ideas and record events. [/details] Conditional Creation and Potential Conflicts [details=] Dave explained the system he set up to automatically create entries for specific dates, such as April Fool’s Day, in 2024, with Michael clarifying that it’s referred to as a conditional in Tinderbox language. They also discussed the potential of creating a new note called ‘Midwatch’ using a unique path and the possibility of creating the ‘Midwatch’ entry as the first entry under Sunday, March 10th. However, concerns were raised by Michael about using ‘my string’ as a default placeholder due to potential conflicts. Dave and Mark emphasized the importance of persistence in sandbox attributes and suggested using variables or functions to avoid conflicts and save data. [/details] Terminal Learning and Assignment Management [details=] Dave shared his intention to learn the ‘run command’ in a terminal and invited help if needed. Michael presented an idea of using action code for a grading strategy and offered a demonstration to protect student confidential information. He showcased a system for managing assignments and grading in a class setting, creating a ‘P Folder’ with student names and an assignment. Michael explained the concept of inheritance and demonstrated how changes made in the folder automatically reflect in the associated file. He also discussed adding new notes to the assignment folder, with the intention of automating certain processes like name generation and point assignment. Art expressed interest in Michael’s demonstration. [/details] System Setup and Coding Issues [details=] Michael discussed the setup of a system using various types of data, including numbers, Booleans, and strings. He explained the process of creating attributes and the grading process. Michael also demonstrated how to explode notes into separate lines and how to move these notes into a new element. However, he encountered issues with a coding issue related to an assignment submission, specifically with an ‘or’ statement and a space in the code hindering the name from being changed and the stamp trigger not working correctly. Despite his efforts to troubleshoot these issues, he was not successful. [/details] Grading System and QR Code Assignment [details=] Michael was demonstrating a grading system for a QR Code assignment. He explained how he assigns points based on the rubric and how he interacts with the notes to generate a student’s grade. He also addressed a question about changing the ‘meets expectations’ value and asked Mark Bernstein if there was a way to overwrite the value instead of adding to it. Mark clarified that a list can have multiple values, while a string can only have a single value. However, Michael found that setting a default value for a string did not allow him to select between different options, so they agreed to further investigate the issue. [/details] Tinderbox Grading and Syllabus Management Discussion [details=] Michael discussed his grading process using a tool called Tinderbox, which automates the collection, feedback, and grading of student assignments. He also demonstrated how he manages his syllabus and projects within the same Tinderbox file. Dave raised concerns about a Boolean in Michael’s system, but Michael defended his approach due to the number of courses he handles. Michael shared his practice of creating summaries of individual assignments within a hierarchy and using a master template for most of his work. The discussion ended with Michael explaining the functionality of Tinderbox, its automatic name parsing feature, and the importance of running only necessary code to avoid slowing down the computer. [/details] [/details]

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Half the links in Resource section are broken or non-links.

Thanks. Fixed. Some weird copy paste error.