Tinderbox Meetup SUNDAY May 12

  • Documenting your Tinderbox documents: how to explain what you’re doing to your future self

  • Footnotes for export – a solution that shows how flexibly Tinderbox’s templates and functions are!

Bring your projects and puzzlements! Everyone is welcome. Long-time Tinderbox users, new Tinderbox users, and non-Tinderbox users are very welcome to join in on the discussion.

Tinderbox Trainers Wanted

We are inviting Tinderbox community members to deliver a “Tinderbox in 10-minute Training” session. We want to kick off each weekly Tinderbox meetup with a 10-minute training that explores a Tinderbox feature and explains how to use it in a specific context. Again, the training should explain what the feature does and provide a contextual example of how the training is using it (sample files are most welcome). If you’d like to provide one of these training, please DM @satikusala or @eastgate on the Tinderbox Forum, and we’ll schedule your session on the Tinderbox Meetup Calendar .

9 AM Pacific Time

Noon Eastern time

1300 São Paulo

1600 UTC

1700 London

1800 Paris

2130 Delhi


Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 617 924 9044

Passcode: tinderbox

For more details and to join the conversation with the Tinderbox community, visit the Tinderbox Forum. Tinderbox Meetup Calendar .

Before anyone asks, the footnote export TBX document I demo-ed, will be available as part of the report of the meet-up. I’ve actually updated it a bit and covered a few points (in the Notes section) on issues raised at the meet-up.


Has anyone recorded the meetup?

Yes. uploading it now; link soon!

Video: https://vimeo.com/947001551