Tinderbox Meetup Video 18 MAY 24: New View, Court Proceedings Narrative, Event Management in Tinderbox

In this Tinderbox Meetup, Mark Bernstein reviewed a new Tinderbox view he has been developing. We discussed how to produce a story narrative from court proceedings. And Michael Becker explained how he has been using Tinderbox to produce events, specifically the May 21, 2024, MEF CONNECTS ID & Data event — “Cracking the identity and data code” (the event is free to attend both in-person and via live stream: MEF CONNECTS ID & Data - MEF). Becker will be presenting the results of his doctoral dissertation at the event, a project he completed using Tinderbox.

Here is the URL to the video: https://youtu.be/Xba4djiEBHc.

Video resolution is quite low!

Ok, I will upload a better one.

The new map view is really terrific!

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We’ll see!

One interesting thing is that it really is optimal, or nearly optimal, in terms of getting as many notes as possible into the viewport. That’s encouraging.