Hi @Per, BTW, you may find this note useful.
The conversation of Tinderbox vs. Devonthink is not a this or that one but rather a this and that one. They both do what they do really well and there are ways for them to work together.
A few of us a few weeks ago revisited the conversation of how Tinderbox and Devonthink can work together, Revisiting Devonthink Annotations to Tinderbox - #6 by PaulWalters. Specifically, we were looking to solve the challenge of how to get Devonthink annotation easily into Tinderbox for analysis. I started a process, a hack if you will, that got the conversation going again and then @Pete swooped in and saved the day with an AppleScript and method that lets you easily get your annotations out of Devonthink and into Tinderbox.
Let us know if you have any questions.