Tinderbox Video - An interview with Bernardo Vasconcelos: publishing & transforming notes w/Pandoc
Level | Advanced |
Published Date | 3/14/21 |
Tags | 4CKMEl, 4Cs of Knowledge Management and Exchange, Action Code, Ancient Greek, Attributes, CSS, Export Code, LaTex, Pandoc, Publishing, Stamps, Tinderbox, Variables, aTbRef |
Video Length | 39:22 |
Video URL | Tinderbox Video - An interview with Bernardo Vasconcelos: publishing & transforming notes w/Pandoc - YouTube |
Example File | Tinderbox Scholar - preview and export documents using Pandoc |
Revision | 1 |
TBX Version | 8.9 |
Instructor | Michael Becker |
Acknowledgements | Bernardo Vasconcelos @Bernard-0 |
Related Lessons | Tinderbox Training Video - Exporting TBX Notes to PPTX with Pandoc |
In this lesson, we interview Bernardo Vasconcelos, a Ph.d candidate in ancient philosophy. Bernardo shares with us how he is using Tinderbox in conjunction with Pandoc to write and publish his thesis in ancient Greek.
Bernard shows us how he has set up a Tinderbox file, including attributes, prototypes, action code, and export templates to 1) write his thesis, 2) apply different css and templates to preview his thesis in Tinderbox, and 3) export it out of Tinderbox and render it in Word (.docx), and other formats like PDF and LaTex, with Pandoc.
In the interview, we go through each of the steps he uses to set up and publish his work. We discuss Pandoc and how to use the command line in macOS to run it. Bernard and I walk, line by line, through his attributes and the action code in his stamps. He uses these to generate the command lines he has Tinderbox feed Pandoc to generate the output file he wants based on various parameters he sets with his attributes, such as what font to use, to include a table of contents or not, to include a bibliography or not, etc. We also touch on existing macOS command-line apps like 1) pbcopy (pbcopy Man Page - macOS - SS64.com), copies text to the clipboard, 2) touch (touch Man Page - macOS - SS64.com), which can be used to create a file from the command line, pbpaste (pbpaste Man Page - macOS - SS64.com) will copy the clipboard to the newly created file. You’ll see in the video how Bernard is using attribute variables create the variables that are passed to these commands.
Bernard’s work is an exceptional example of the versatility of Tinderbox, especially when it is being used in concert with other applications, like Pandoc. You can go from your notes to a typeset perfect, Latex, output file, for example.
Reference Material