Hi @Sherrell, great to see your post.
As I’ve shared in the growing list of Tinderbox and knowledge videos, I’ve been producing over the years, Tinderbox has become the central hub to all my professional (consulting and teaching) and personal work. I do everything with it: research, study, explore, write, and publish. I’m currently working on
- completing my doctorate dissertation
- teaching a course on strategic mobile marketing for CalPoly (managing all lectures, announcements, assignments, group projects, grading, teaching assets, guest speakers, etc.)
- writing an industry report on digital identity & personal data
- working on three books
- coordinating events
- programing a virtual forum on digital identity and personal data for March/April
- programming an industry event in London on May 21st (coordinating the agenda and over 50 speakers)
- hosting the weekly Tinderbox meetup
- coordianting webinars and podcasts
- constantly learning and improving my writing, storytelling, research, and use of command line, RegEx, HTML, CSS, and other tools
With Tinderbox and the family of tools surrounding it, you get into it what you put into it.
Here are some initial thoughts I’d like to leave you with. First, start using Tinderbox. Drop in notes (both in outline view and map view); don’t worry too much about structure and appearance. While you’re doing this, focus on your objective: what are you trying to accomplish (again, focus on the what, not the how). Second, focus on learning about prototypes (and the idea of inheritance) and attributes. Then, focus on action code and linking. Finally, focus on export code. While you’re doing all this learning, trust that the end is achievable (even if it feels impossible); it will all be ok and totally worth it. Rely on the community to help you.
Where do I start this learning? First, I encourage you to watch several of my/our videos. Next, you can look at aTbRef Site Map, but it may be hard to wrap your head around until you have context and reason to jump into this.
DM me if you want to schedule a one-on-one call. I can demo some of what I’m doing.