Understanding the Logic of the Snap Grid

I have always had issues understanding why snapping guides override others. For example, in the GIF below I wanted a note to have the same ending height as another note, but the note snaps to the edge of the adornment instead. Is there a way to change this behavior? Am I misunderstanding something about snapping?

CleanShot 2024-12-01 at 12.09.22

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Not misunderstanding but you are assuming your assumptions are right. What is obvious to the eye isn’t necessarily obvious to code trying to do whet the human brain does.

The simple way around that is to use the View â–¸ Arrange sub-menu. When using the control in that menu on a selection, the reference object on which any new alignment is based is the first item to be selected.

To understand Tinderbox guides, imagine that, as you’re working, a bunch of friendly old people are looking over your shoulder and offering helpful advice.

“That’s almost the standard spacing, but not quite: you should nudge it a little to the left.”

“Well, you know, those two notes are almost the same size.”

“It looks like you’re making a list!” (Just kidding.)

When several of these advisors, called “kibitzers”, apply to the same task, they yield in order of a (fairly arbitrary) priority. In the case of your video, I think that the “same size” kibitzer (which is looking at the blue note above) is taking precedence over the “bottom edge” kibitzer that you wanted. Or, possibly, it’s the “golden ratio” kibitzer.

Shift-drag will let you do what you want here. Kibitzers are really cool, but sometimes the old guys are just wrong.

(I had planned to let users adjust the priority of each kibitzer, but that’s just too complicated. As far as I know, no one knows which kibitzers ought to have priority, but if someone knows of some relevant literature — cf. constraint-based graphics and constraints in UI — I’m all ears.)

For perspective, kibitzers are chiefly intended to set up rough and ready geometries across large maps, rather than the sort of detailed alignments you’re doing in your example. For these, I sometimes use the Align menus for alignment, and sometimes use stamps or Quickstamp for setting the size and shape. On the whole, I think the large-scale geometry question is more interesting and perhaps more meaningful over the long run, but there’s very little research.

Thanks for the original post @clsjr sjr and for the explanation @eastgate. I had exactly the same situation, i.e. could see the visual feedback e.g. that my adjustment was making it the same height and width of another note, as I required, then I would release it and it would pop away from what I had just affirmed that I wanted - so it seemed to me. With the explanation at least I understand why that happens.