I’ve dabbled with Tinderbox at various times over a number or years, but I’m now making a rather more serious effort to understand the program. I am presently wondering whether to use Tags or User Attributes for some of the meta data that I might include with my notes. Do people have any standard practices that they have found to work well in their experience?
I realise it is terribly vague of me to say “What do you use Tags / User Attributes for?” It would be natural to reply to me “What do YOU want to do?” but sometimes you don’t know that you want to do something until you realise it is possible, or some example of usage inspires you to make experiments. You could say this is a tribute to the flexibility of Tinderbox when you realise that the possibilities are beyond what you are capable of imagining. Or it might be an indication of how thick I am.
Anyway, what is to stop me from unimaginatively sticking everything in Tags and not bothering with User Attributes? All contributions welcome.
Perhaps I should say that I’m a sort-of historian and a sort-of psychologist who collects material from both fields and has decided it is time to try and make sense of some of it. If possible.