Using and processing screenshots in online learning


I’m in and out of Tinderbox for the last ten years or so… but I still consider myself as a real beginner… Every year I renew my subscription and hope to get some use out of it.

I’m taking an online course and wanted to see if I could use Tinderbox to take notes. In online courses I often take screenshots of the most important slides. I normally drag them into Curio or Freeform but I would like to see if Tinderbox gives me additional processing possibilities.

It looks to me that Tbx creates adornments out of the screenshots.

How can I:

  • draw links into and out off the screenshots to create some order
  • alternatively: make a note out of the screenshot/adornment
  • set properties that I can use to filter specific screenshots (like prototype or a user defined variable)



You can link a fairly respectable quantum of images to your Tbx project by using the $File system attribute.

Also very helpful is this other, somewhat concurrent, thread - Can I use tinderbox to store images I am brainstorming for a project?.

To create links visually, simply click and drag from the link anchor pad (you will see a downward pointing arrow at the base of each Note in Map View).

There’s plenty of information on links and creating connections within your projects if you peruse through the forums.

You can also now use Posters to advantage in visualizing your images within a Map view. Good luck.

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Suggestion: make a note and drag the screenshot into that note’s text pane. That also gives you a place to transcribe the text of the note, and you by setting the $Prototype you can quickly add more $DisplayedAttributes and set useful attributes for context.

This works! Thank you. Can you please specify what you mean by the attributes I can set in $DisplayedAttributes?

For example, let’s suppose that most of the notes in this container will be LectureTopics — short notes about the topic being presented. They inherit from the prototype A Lecture Note, and have displayed attributes such as Session and PaperID. These displayed attributes can be inherited from the prototype. In special cases, you might add additional displayed attributes such as $URL where these apply.

You might also set the value of $StartDate to the date when the note is created, since many lecture notes are taken during the lecture. You could do that in an OnAdd action:


Of course, you might come back tomorrow and add more notes about yesterday’s fascinating session, concerning things it took a while to fully appreciate. In that case, Tinderbox will suggest $StartDate of the day after the paper was delivered, but you can easily correct that.

You might perhaps want to set a special badge for, say, any LectureNote that mentions Gauss or Legendre. You could do that with an agent:

Query: $Text.contains("Gauss") | $Text.contains("Legendre")
Action: $Badge="star";

You might find this thread helpf: Can I use tinderbox to store images I am brainstorming for a project?.

This was very helpful thread. Thanks for sharing thread link here as well.

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