Where do you put your reading notes?

I know you weren’t asking me directly, @dominiquerenauld, but it’s helpful to write this out for me. Should it bore anyone, please just skip over it.

I keep one single container with every note (zettel) in it. Everything else I do with the notes as aliases or with links is fair game. At the end of projects, I clean up agents and delete meta-notes, but keep the zettels–forever–or at least until the program can’t handle it anymore. I presume TBx will get better, as will computers, so it’s likely not an issue. Anything else that’s not in the Zettel container gets sweeped into a new container with the title of the project. These links are, after all, important for the future continued use of the zettels.

I take reading notes seperately. I’m using MarginNote but that’s not really that important. I highlight and write notes in the margins and on pieces of paper. Same difference. But the notes are just rapidly jotted down. Then I create notes about what I’ve read in Tinderbox.

I also keep a container for citations alongside the zettels container, in true zettelkasten style.

I also like to write in Scrivener, but my zettels tend to be copy-pastable snippets that are arranged into coherance there. Gaps are filled, etc. A first draft is born, or at least a fairly decent outline.

I’m contemplating exporting just the zettels into Devonthink. Should performance ever be an issue in TBx due to the potentially huge amount of notes, they’d alredy be there. I’d have a secondary way of searching their text alongside the articles I store there. I’m not sure if that would be useful as TBx is better at it, in my opinion. Using TBx implies finding and making connections, but including the brain in the process. Devonthink search might excell at matching keywords and finding links via frequencies, but it doesn’t involve the brain. Therefore, any results found there that were worth following through would then require new zettels to be created anyway. That’s fine. I’ll try it.

What’s a good practice for creating links that would get exported out? Would the links need to be part of the note text? If so, is there a way to automate that?

I also asked here (Pat’s kind export to DT with links preserved) as it’s exactly what I’m hoping to do.

Happy Thursday!

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