Which application can link documents each other with Tinderbox?

Could I borrow your wisdom?

For my system enhancements within Mac Studio M1 itself
“Tinderbox” is not expanded.

Which application can link documents each other with Tinderbox?

Even if you execute File Watch > Tot on Tinderbox10,
the contents from Tot are not displayed.
Unable to import.

Please tell me how to improve it.

Another problem:
Tinderbox has not been added to the Show extensions from Tot field.
What should I do to add Tinderbox here?
Also, I have not been able to find a way to import files from Mac Note.
(Currently, I am not using iCloud Storage.I do not think I will ever use it again.)
What appication does Notes in File Watch > Folder from Notes mean on Tinderbox10?

  1. Applications to link files together that work with Tinderbox - try hookmark https://hookproductivity.com/

  2. Within Tinderbox, you can set a Watch folder to a MacOS Finder folder, and you will see all the text files in Tinderbox.

  3. You can also use the $File Attribute, or make your own File-type Attribute.

  4. Even if you are not using iCloud Storage, your Apple Notes data is in the local iCloud folder. You can set Tbx to watch an Apple Notes folder, and will see the Apple Notes in that Watched Folder.

Hope this is helpful!

Dear archurhh,
Thanks a lot for your advice.
I am currently using hookmark Pro ver.6.6.1.
I will try to set the Watch folder to the MacOS Finder folder.
Unfortunately, there is no Apple Notes data in the local iCloud folder.
I will try various things.

You’re most welcome :pray:

If you create a test folder and file in Apple Notes, then from within Tinderbox you try to watch Apple Notes, do you not see the test folder/file?

In one of my project files I have many Notes that are Watching different folders. I am not sure if there is a limit :blush:

Dear archurhh,
Tot file > BackUp
/Users/kuni33/Library/Containers/com.iconfactory.Tot/Data/Library/Application Support/Tot/Backups/2024-12-22 2108.json
It is saved in the json file here in Mac OS Ventura.
I was able to confirm what I wrote.
Apple Notes could not determine the exact location of the saved file.

Dear archurhh,
Files from Tot & Apple Notes were successfully imported into Tinderbox notes.
It seems that my impatience caused the misunderstanding.
It took a long time to write the file in my Tinderbox note.
When I opened the note that I previously executed using
Watch > Folder from Notes or Watch > Tot, all the contents were written.
Sorry for the trouble. Thank you very much.

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Dear archurhh,
I am having a problem.
After writing a file from Tot & Apple Notes,
Both apps remain open and write to Tinderbox over and over again.
Instead of being added to the same note, a new name such as Tot or Note will be added.
What kind of settings should I make to prevent writing multiple files like this?
In the postscript from Apple Notes, previous writing is marked with a center line to indicate erasure.

By “marked with a center line”, do you mean like this?

If so, this is Tinderbox indicating that the source note/file for which it has made a note in the Tinderbox watched folder is no longer available at source. Why do this? Well, you might want that information. If you delete the lined-through (‘struck-through’) note, Tinderbox should not re-create it.

If you are getting multiple same named notes like this:

that would suggest that successive edits to the same ‘A note’ file at the source end are somehow getting interpreted by Tinderbox as new files. I don’t think this is how that watched folder system is intended to work. However, this sounds as is this may be a tech support issue rather than something fellow users can resolve.

But others here such as @archurhh have more hands-on experience of the feature and may be able correct or clarify my assumptions above. :slight_smile:

Dear Dr.Mark Anderson,
Dear archurhh,
Sorry for the lack of explanation.
Attach the image.
Files marked with strikethrough have not been deleted.

I think this isn’t something the forum can fix. You might want to enquire directly of tech support (tinderbox@eastgate.com) as it may involve digging a bit into your set up.

This looks the software is doing its job. If the user renames or deletes the source Note, the prior name gets a strikethrough.

There is a 1-to-1 relationship between Apple Notes and Tinderbox Notes.

Also, it is best not to rename a Note - every time you make a change to the name, Tbx will see it as a different Note. Then you will see the effect you are experiencing.

Simple solution is to write an Edict to delete all Notes in that Container where $NameStrike!=“”

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Try to open/close the Tinderbox project and see if it clears up.

If your Tbx file is crossing off files that are still in the folder, that is not expected behaviour. As @mwra suggests, you may want to ping @eastgate on this?

Dear archurhh,
Thanks a lot.
I closed Tinderbox and reopened it this morning.
The new note I wrote this morning was added successfully.
Written with additions from Tot and Apple Notes,
It is working fine on Tinderbox10.
I deleted unnecessary notes that had strikethrough lines.
Links from Hookmarks added as notes are also working.