I love Hook – Links beat searching and was surprised to see the TBX supports hook.
Can you explain Hook? I still don’t understand it.
First watch this - ( Write more efficiently by using Hook to instantly navigate to/from supporting information - YouTube
and then watch this ( The Hook Window - YouTube
Hook is amazing!
Michael - Hook is great! You can link almost anything to anything else on your Mac. Files to each other, to an entry in Calendar, Fantastical or OmniFocus. I swear by it and use it every day! And the link remains operational even if you move e.g. the file physically on your Mac.
A way that I use Hook with Tinderbox is to create a robust link between a Tinderbox URL type attribute and any file on my computer. What do I mean by robust? I mean having a link that I can’t break. Ordinarily, if I have a Tinderbox attribute linked to an external file on my Mac, and I move that file to a different location on my computer or if I rename the file, the link to Tinderbox will break. But with a Hook link to that external file, the link remains intact. If I click on the Tinderbox URL attribute containing a Hook link, Tinderbox will find the external file no matter what I do to it in MacOS.
There is much more that Hook can do, as the videos in this thread reveal, but that’s my primary use for Hook. It’s sort of neat that I can create a bi-directional link so that if I look for my external file, Hook can take me directly from there to the Tinderbox note URL, but I expect that I’ll mostly use the Hook link one way - from Tinderbox to the external file.
Hook is one of those apps that cannot be grokked by explaining; you have to watch a video or experience it yourself and then it’s just “Ahhhh… that’s brilliant”.
The only issue I have with Hook right now (if anyone has a suggestion) is that when hooking to specific URLs, some links have constantly updated anchor (usually from something like a SPA or heavy javascript site) which seems to throw off Hook. Wonder if there is a way to have Hook only take into account the URL and not the anchor.
Hmm, I wouldn’t say that Hook works with TBX, or at least not in the way that it supports DT3.
If I click on a note (or even on the map itself) and bring up Hook, I get the “no linkable item found” message.
I can store hook links as attribute values, but that doesn’t (IMO) imply any support by TBX.
Now, of course, it would be nice if TBX supported deep-linking into notes
different here: I click on a note and Hook offers to link to the specific note. I can jump directly to this note later with Hook.
Maybe security settings (they are a nightmare since MacOS 12)?!
This is what I see also, but the downside is these links encode the file path. In my experience, if I move the tbx file, I lose the links to its notes.
A Hook team member here . Hook is designed to ignore the #
anchor. Hook has built-in URL patterns to ignore cruft at the end of URLs on some websites (e.g., on Twitter, Amazon, LinkedIn).
We ( CogSci Apps ) intend to make it possible for users to specify (in preferences) regular expressions for URL patterns to ignore (vaguely analogous concept to what you can do with ad blockers). We have other features in the pipeline to achieve the same effect automatically. Meanwhile, you can also search in Hook, if that helps.
FWIW, the documentation—such as is known—about referencing Tinderbox notes, i.e. within TBX docs, is here. I don’t think the protocol uses #
anchors. At the same time, it’s not entirely clear if the protocol is still and experiment (i.e. unfinished) or further syntax is yet to come.
Looking forward to the Hook presentation at the meetup on Saturday, Feb 19th at noon, US Eastern time. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8850659900?pwd=ZE9ROUs1czNiK2FTTStjTUJuVkIydz09
Hook greatly enhances my Tinderbox experience and I expect that I’ve only scratched the surface on how it can bring disparate but related information together within Tinderbox.
My hook <-> Tinderbox connection is no longer working. No linkable item found. Before I hop over to the Hook forum, I wanted to ask… Is anyone else having this issue?
I am using the latest hook public release: Hook version 3.9 (4960) Scripts version 238
Tinderbox tested on latest public release and newest beta 573
As a follow up…
all seems to be working. Not at all sure what changed, but glad it did. Anyway, please disregard.
So now I can too say… Woohoo!
Not sure. What versions of macOS, Hook and Tinderbox are being used. That’s probably a good reference point. Have any of these changed recently?
Here on macOS 12.6, Hook v3.9 (just updated) and Tinderbox v9.3.0, use of Hook appears to work†. I fear I’m not practised enough with Hook to diagnose much further.
†. It doesn’t appear to work if i use the current Tinderbox beta—as I suspect you may be—but beta issue are best discussed on the Backstage.