Ziplink functionality with Applescript?

It is possible to edit the text of a note through Applescript:

on setText(theNote, theText)
	tell application "Tinderbox 8"
		tell theNote
			set value of attribute "Text" to theText
		end tell
	end tell
end setText

One could call it thus:

tell application "Tinderbox 8"
	tell front document
		set theNote to (find note in it with path "/Foo")
		my setText(theNote, "Hello [[world]]!")
	end tell
end tell

In this case, it would be great if one could say “process that text as if someone typed it in”. Maybe this is dangerous and one should need to be explicit somehow, but this would be useful functionality.


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Interesting idea.

It might be useful for those of us who aren’t good typists as a dialog (or series of dialogs) could collect inputs and generate the link. Interesting as action scrip for understandable contextual reasons can’t generate text links (though it will happily make/remove basic links).

Returning to the original question, I expect that in the future you will be able to paste or import text with ziplinks, and have those ziplinks automatically expanded.

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