Here’s the placeholder for next week. As always, reply with suggestions for the agenda: demoes, questions, problems to solve….
Open mic night
Here’s the placeholder for next week. As always, reply with suggestions for the agenda: demoes, questions, problems to solve….
Open mic night
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
At the moment, it looks like this meetup will be an ad hoc conversation. We’ve had some very interesting conversations, so that’s fine—but if you would like to ask a question, show your work, get unstuck, give a demo, I’m happy to add it to the agenda.
See you in the aether
Good morning, afternoon, and evening, Ladies and Gentlemen!
With no suggested agenda, we have a great opportunity for an “open mic night.” Feel free to ask questions, share a screen to show something amazing—or odd! Take the opportunity to get unstuck.
This may be a short meetup, and that’s perfectly fine!
See you in the aether.
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Here is the transcript from today’s meetup: (1.7 KB)
There are some great URLs included worth visiting.
atBref updates, following issues raised: App toolbar.
For Michael Becker: resetting attributes, note that in your case you are re-setting $DisplayedAttributes.
An interesting timeline/map masup: The Itinerary of King John. Ok, the site uses Google maps v2 annd an old version of SIMILE timline but the concept is interesting. You don’t have to be a historian to scrub the timeline, see the map update, and think of interesting applications. My own subsequent experiment created from a single Tinderbox document shows how time & location can work badly. HMQ ERII’s visits often last only days (away from home in UK) and ‘big trips’ like the Commonwealth countries in the West Indies might involve 2 trips a day. Doing timelines of other than nicely (temporally) spaced family photos, i.e. real world data, is hard.
On the aspect of data input from non-digital data & ‘citizen science’, see zoouniverse. This is a framework anyone (OK, with relevant tech smarts) can set up. I point I constantly used to make to my erstwhile GLAM† clients. You can buy digitisation service, eg Amazon MTurk, etc., but articulate folk who may have experienced the subject at hand (q.v. WWII experience) might be a better source of accurate transcription that someone paid sub-minimum wage via MTurk.
†Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums
Temi was mentioned by M Becker as a possible transcription route. was mentioned as onther method to capture speech → text, but it is more ofr discussion that pure dictation (i.e. it doesn’t recognise expressed punctuation, though these could be fixed with regex later) No system is perfect, ‘AI’ is far short of what we see in the movies.
The Video: Tinderbox Meetup 17 October 2020 on Vimeo
Really enjoyed yesterday’s session. Got a ton out of it. Thanks, all.