Tinderbox Template - Dynamically Built HTML Table: Column Heads from Parent’s $DisplayedAttributes, Row Labels Form Childrens’ $Names

Tinderbox Template - Dynamically Built HTML Table: Column Children Name, Row Labels Parent’s $Displayed Attributes

Level Advanced
Published Date 5/2/21
Type Template
Tags .each, 4CKMEl, 4Cs of Knowledge Management and Exchange, Action Code, Export Code, HTML Table, Tinderbox, aTbRef
Example File TBX L - Building Table from Attributes.tbx (149.2 KB)
Revision 1
TBX Version 8.9
Instructor Michael Becker

This Tinderbox template dynamically creates an HTML table from the attributes of a container’s children. The table column heads are the parent’s $DisplayedAttributes, and the table’s row labels are the childrens’ $Name (each of the children needs the same $DisplayedAttribures as the parent). The values of the cells are populated from the value in the attributes associated with each $DisplayedAttributes.

It relies on the following structural elements

  • Attributes
    • $MyString (system attribute)
    • $MyList (system attribute)
    • $AtrTable, a string (user generated attribute)
    • $LookupList, a list (user generated attribute)
    • $vChildAtr, a string (user generated attribute)
    • $MyString 2, a string (user generated attribute)
  • Notes
    • Parent container with list of desired attributes to be used as the column heads of the table
    • Children with same displayed attributes at parent
    • lt-ProdIteration note, in the following path /Configurations/, with the $LookupList attribute displayed and the key value pair ($Attribute:Label) that will be used in the table
    • $DisplayedAttributes should not contain $MyString as this attribute is used as a temporary location in the template action code to store the table row content


  1. Sample file has two templates in it, look at tSolutionIteration and its child.
  2. Currently only works in TBX 8, there is a lookup issue in TBX 9 backstage that is being worked on.

Is there still an issue with TB9?

IIRC, it’s OK with the current backstage build.