Gallery of Tbx Files, Templates, Code, and Tips [Complete List]

This is a wiki post.

There is a lot of resources here in the forum, but some of them get lost or simply forgotten. The idea is to keep a permanent list of shared templates.

@mwra, could you point to some of the (probably) hundreds of templates you have shared here?
@satikusala, could you list some of your favorites here that you shared so far?
@Everyone else, please post your complete file examples, templates, and action code snippets.

Tinderbox Sample Files

Tinderbox Sample Export Templates

Tinderbox Sample Action Code

Tinderbox Tip


Too funny…I was on a walk with my dog this morning and was thinking that we needed exactly this, a single place for common TBX files, template (i.e. export code/action code), and action code examples. Unbelievable how serendipity works. :exploding_head:

To start, all my videos have their sample files, and you’ll find my templates and action code in those. Some of these files are in-depth and there will be a ton of value to be had by pulling the templates and code sni-its out of these into discrete examples. That will take some time.

Yes, I’ll start putting up some of my favorites.

Before I start doing that, however, I’d like to reinforce the process that you’ve started. As you have done here, we should,

  1. Post our sample files, templates, and specific action code sample as post in the “File Exchange” section, just like I post the videos in the Video Training section.
  2. Once we are done posting, we can paste the link of the post in this Gallery wiki and maintain it as a master index.

Great idea. More to come soon.


Dear Mr.Bernardo Vasconcelos,
Thank a lot for distributing your Gallery of Tbx Templates [Complete List].
I am very pleased to see that you have provided some sort of answer to my earlier suggestion [to find a “.tbx sample”], albeit with slightly different wording.
I have been having a hard time finding the original Tinderbox files that I need for reference, but now that you’ve listed them, it is possible for everyone here in the Tinderbox User Forum to have access to a very useful set of files. I would like to thank you again.
Thx and regards, WAKAMATSU