Ability to set start of week

I’ve seen a previous request to have the start days of the week with selectable or follow system settings.

Now that we’re up to version 9 I wondered if this is still an open issue to be addressed in a future update. For reference, I am living in Scotland and favour Monday as the start of the week.

First Day of Week is a per-user setting in macOS Sonoma in Settings > General > Language & Region.

But, I assume the OP has noticed that the date-picker in Tinderbox does not respect that setting, unlike other features in Tinderbox that do follow the system’s regional calendar settings.

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I expect to switch to the system date picker shortly.


Not in 9.7.3 though or did I miss it?

IIRC, I’m not sure if the Apple date picker is being used yet—you can always check the change log details. I do know that tests with it are causing problems for Date-based attributes (causal reason is as yet undiagnosed) so this feature may need to wait until the Apple Date picker works correctly (in terms of not breaking other things).

It’ll be in 9.7.4.