This script is an extensive modification of a built-in script provided by DEVONtechnologies, and exports the following metadata for selection of DEVONthink records into a tab-separated file (.tsv) that you can drag into a Tinderbox document where a set of notes is created – one for every DEVONthink record in the selection.
“Name” name of the document in the DEVONthink database
“Kind” kind of database record - PDF, RTF, etc.
“SourceCreated” date the record was added to the database
“Author” if the record has an Author property, the value of that property
“Recipient” if the record has a Recipient property, the value of that property
“SourceURL” if the record in DEVONthink was imported from elsewhere (e.g., a website) the URL of that location
“Tags” Tags of the database record
“Comments” Spotlight Comments of the database record
“URL” the x-devonthink-item:// reference URL to link back to the record in DEVONthink
The file created by the script is TSV because Tinderbox 7.x does not deal well with CSV files created from DEVONthink databases, and TSV is better for documents that might contain quotes in the metadata.
Do not use the script for .eml records at this time. DEVONthink’s current version has broken the handling of the reference URL (x-devonthink-item:// URL) for email imported into DEVONthink, and the fix to work around this will take more time than it is worth to me. I don’t plan to spend much time on maintaining this script. I assume the reader knows how to compile and install AppleScripts for use in DEVONthink and other applications. YMMV.