Tinderbox Lesson - Meetup Sunday 14Aug22: Working with Ordered and Numbered Lists [A near complete review of the 5Cs and Tinderbox]

TBX L - TBX Meetup 14Aug22

Level All Levels
Published Date 8/14/22
Revision 2
Revision Note Updated Example 5a1: Simple to solve rendering action code in $Text
Type Meetup
Tags 5CKMEl, 5Cs CSDP Framework, 5Cs of Knowledge Management and Exchange, Action Code, Bullets, CSS, Content, Design, Endnotes, Footnotes, Hypertext, Markdown, Ordered Lists, Patreon, Regex, Structure, Systems Design, Templates, Tinderbox, Unordered Lists, aTbRef
Video Length 01:38:00
Video URL Tinderbox Lesson - Meetup Sunday 14Aug22: Working with Ordered and Numbered Lists - YouTube
Example File TBX L - Tinderbox List StrategiesR2.tbx (919.0 KB)
TBX Version 9.3
Instructor Michael Becker

In this lesson, the Tinderbox Meetup 14AUG22, we review strategies for working with ordered and unordered lists in Tinderbox the application of the 5Cs Of Knowledge Management, and the 5Cs CSADP (Content, Structure, Appearance, Design, Presentation) Framework for managing content. This lesson is a comprehensive river of all things Tinderbox.

For this example, we used a list of ingratiates for potato salad.

This session covers

  • Concepts
    • 5Cs of Knowledge Management
    • 5Cs CSADP (Content, Structure, Appearance, Design, Presentation)
  • Structure
    • HTML unordered and ordered list tags
    • Markdown unordered and ordered
  • Tinderbox Tools Reviewed
    • Export code:
    • Action Code
    • Prototype
    • Templates
    • Stamp
    • Export code in the text of a note (use sparingly)
    • Attributes (system and user-generated)
    • Views (outline and map)
  • Methods
    • Writing templates
    • Debugging action code


Note: The advanced bulleted template reviewed during the meetup is available to Becker’s All Access Patrons Go to Michael Becker’s 5Cs of Knowledge Management Patron’s Landing Page(click here to become a patron).

Complete video list

You’ll find a Tinderbox reference file for this video on the Tinderbox Forum: Mastering Tinderbox: Training Videos (Complete List)

Need more help with Tinderbox?

If you need more help with Tinderbox, come on over to the Tinderbox Forum, https://forum.eastgate.com/, a vibrant community with members the revel in helping each other. You’ll find every walk of life at the forum—academics, authors, musicians, engineers, scientists, artists, philosophers, lawyers, doctors, and more, who are all looking to use Tinderbox, and related apps (like DevonThink, TexExpander, Zotero, Pandoc, BBEdit, Highlights, etc.) to manage the 4Cs of knowledge-making and exchange (collection, curation, creation, and contribution). Ask your question and you will be answered. We also hold weekly meetups to discuss Tinderbox how-tos, strategies, tactics, share examples, and more.

A Tinderbox Reference File

You can find The Tinderbox Reference File at A Tinderbox Reference File. This is an amazing, invaluable, resource, developed by Mark Anderson, that includes an overview of every Tinderbox capability.

You’re Invited To Be My Patron:

A lot goes into creating these training videos. If you’re getting value from these videos and are open to supporting my efforts, I respectfully ask that you consider becoming one of my patrons by making a monthly contribution. :pray: https://www.patreon.com/tinderboxcourses?fan_landing=true :pray:

An invitation to connect

Life is change. To meet the moment, I’m constantly on the lookout to understand what I should keep doing, stop doing, or do differently. I’m on a mission to understand the 4Cs of knowledge management (collection, curation, creation, and contribution) and for insights to balance The Identity Nexus—the intersection where equitable personal data & identity exchange happens. I’m looking to understand the personal data & identity marketplace—to track leading organizations, people, and resources (strategies, use cases, business models, standards, people’s sentiments, etc.). I welcome the opportunity for industry collaboration. Let’s connect on,

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/privacyshaman/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/privacyshaman

Context is everything!!! @eastgate solved the mystery for Example 5a1: Simple shown in the video, i.e., the in-text action code was not processing. Turns out this will only work with text is processed in markdown, otherwise, the action code gest wrapped by p tags and this is blocked from working. Yes again, we find the Tinderbox is simply AWESOME!!!

I’ve updated the attached demo to R2.