Tinderbox Meetup February 4, 2023
Level | Beginner |
Published Date | 2/5/23 |
Type | Meetup |
Tags | 5CKMEl, 5Cs of Knowledge Management and Exchange, Action Code, Attributes, Data Format, Display Expression, Find, Gallery Tab, Map View, Naming Convention, Outline View, Prefix Strategy, Trash Can |
Video Length | 01:44:49 |
Video URL | Tinderbox Meetup February 4, 2023 - YouTube |
Example File | TBX Meetup 4FEB23.tbx (402.9 KB) |
TBX Version | 9.5 |
This week’s Tinderbox meeting dug into the heart of getting things done in Tinderbox.
Agenda (developed in real-time and organically through the call)
- Building a Trash Can, a topic that has been raised several times in the four, e.g., @montaus Jan ’23 “A Few Reasons to Add Trash Cans, Precautionary Capabilities”, @montaus Nov. ’22 “Where’s the trash can?”, @ckreutz “Jan ’18 Bulk remove notes”,
- “Map View dances at me” (@_Bill), a review of a supposed “bug/improvement opportunity” introduced with 9.5 and the implementation of Apple’s webkit, which community members believe is caused by a naming collusion when notes hav the same name; we demonstrated the issue and discussed alternatives.
Wha’t sin a Name, we review several strategies for working with note names and management to naming collisions, not just because of the improvement opportunity above, but to support thinking, action code, linking, etc. We reviewed strategies and provided syntax examples (e.g., p, t, f, Trm-, Ent-) for naming notes (prototypes, templates, functions, Becker’s (@satikusala) “Resource Notes,” and general notes) with prefixes. See **Working with Note $IDs” below. @DEddy reminded ups that naming conversions are really difficult, that we will often use hundreds of different terms to refer to the same thing.
- Working with Display Expressions: modifying what you see”, a deep dive into the use of $DisplaExpression, i.e., what is seen on the display can be different from the $Notes name; we discussed and demonstrated using system and user generated attributes and action code to develop different display expressions. See **Working with Note $IDs” below.†
- Leveraging Columns and Gallery Tab, we discussed why, when, and how to use Columns in Outline View and when it might be better to use an attribute browser to work with your attributes. This lead to a discussion and demonstration of the use of the Gallery Tab.
- **Working with Note $IDs: **, we provided a demonstration of how to leverage $IDs in action code and export code. This discussion went along with the aforementioned use of prefixes and $DisplayExpression, and introduced the use of @satikusala’s use of a user-generated attribute $ShortTitle, which he leverages when using export code to product output (i.e., in this demo we used export code in $Text as opposed to a template).
- Date Formatting, we demonstrated strategies to format dates using .format( ) in action code and ISO 8601’s formatting flags (e.g., “l”, “w d yy”, “=”) in action code and column view.
- $Searchable, we discussed how to suppress notes from search results
- When app “help”: Interference from other apps, we were able to show how the use of Grammarly produced, not necessarily unwanted, but unexpected results in Tinderbox.
†This discussion led to a review of how, when, and why to use variables in action code and functions.
Suggested Resources
Meetup participants contributed serval links to the chat.
- A Note on the Cargo Cult of Zettelkasten
- isDuplicateName()
- WordNet
- aTbRef Data Formats
- aTbRef $Searchable
- PRIME-MODIFIER-CLASS naming conventions (links courteously provided by @DEddy)
Please comment
Please help with the development of future sessions by answering the three questions below.
- What were your top 2~3 key takeaways from this lesson?
- What do you want to learn next? Learn more about?
- What exercises would help reinforce your learning?