Tinderbox Meetup January 29, 2023

Tinderbox Meetup January 29, 2023

Level Beginner
Published Date 1/29/23
Type Meetup
Tags 5CKMEl, 5Cs of Knowledge Management and Exchange, Action Code, Attributes, Find, Gallery Tab, Map View, Outline View
Video Length 01:43
Video URL Tinderbox Meetup January 29, 2023 - YouTube
TBX Version 9.5
Facilitator Michael Becker

In this Tinderbox meetup, we discussed a wide range of general to specific topics related to visual thinking, managing, notes, and leveraging various Tinderbox capabilities.

Topics Discussed

  1. Managing insights and notes, reviewed the notion of creating a Resources Folder, Becker (@satikusala) reviewed his method for creating atomic notes that can be leveraged across several work files.
  2. Thinking in Map view, @wtreese demonstrated the use of Map View for thinking, which led to a deeper discussion of the relationship between map view and outline view.
  3. **Working with multiple windows in Tinderbox, great for thinking, working with action code and export code, tearing off linked notes, using Tab Gallery, searching attribute values with Find
  4. **Working with multiple windows in Tinderbox, great for thinking, working with action code and export code, tearing off linked notes, using Tab Gallery, and searching attribute values with find, @mwra demonstrated how to work with multiple windows in Tinderbox. We also discussed the Gallery Tab and search attribute values with Find.
  5. Clockify Command Line Integration, @Becker demonstrated command line integration between Tinderbox and Clockify.

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Please help develop future sessions by answering the three questions below.

  • What were your top 2~3 key takeaways from this session?
  • What do you want to learn next? Learn more about?
  • What exercises would help reinforce your learning?
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