Tinderbox Meetup Saturday, March 4, 2023: Tinderbox + ChatGTP Integration Demo

Looking forward to this weekend’s meetup.

Time: Saturday, Mar. 4, 2023 12:00 noon Eastern Time (US and Canada).

9 AM Pacific Time
Noon Eastern time
1300 São Paulo
1600 UTC
1700 London (1600 summer time)
1800 Paris
2130 Dehli

Zoom link for the meetup: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8850659900?pwd=ZE9ROUs1czNiK2FTTStjTUJuVkIydz09

Meeting Format

  • Introduction of new members (everyone is welcome, no experience required)
  • Agenda Creation
  • Go through Agenda: Discussion, questions, answers, review, demo, exercises
  • Wrap-up

PrimaryAgenda Topics:

  1. Tinderbox + ChatGTP Demo
    @rtalexander and @satikusala have developed a demonstration that integrates Tidnerbox with ChatGPT. In $Text type your question. Check a boolean. Wait a few seconds and a child note is created with ChatGPT’s Response. Pretty cool! In this demo, we’ll share the backstory, how we did it, and our use cases. This is a work-in-concept demo. Not ready for production, but definitely worth showing, :slight_smile:
  2. Tinderbox and Diigo Integartion
    Using a curl commandLine @satikusala will share how he is pulling highlighted web page note from Diigo into Tinderbox.

Alterative/Tentative Agenda Topics†

Topics from last week’s and previous week’s meetups include:

  1. More on linking
  2. Constructing and working with queries
  3. Writing function to determine with attributes associated with a note have a value, need a method for pulling all system attributes, and review of an existing method for pulling user generated attributes G
  4. Review of Apple Script to export notes from Drafts to a TBX Inbox, see Tinderbox Training Video 63- Export Drafts Note to Tinderbox
  5. Berstein function porting demo
  6. @archurhh process review

Does anyone have any topics they’d like to suggest? Please comment below? Up vote or down the topics above.

†Comment to add proposed agenda topics. We’ll adjust in realtime on the day.