Tinderbox Training Video 06 - Understanding Agents & Queries (Part 1)

Tinderbox Training Video - Understanding Agents & Queries (Part 1)


Level Fundamental
Published Date 1/2/21
Revision 2
Revision Note Rev. 2 31May21-Removed export template error.
Tags Action Code, Agent Query, Note-Taking, Tinderbox, aTbRef
Video Length 09:06
Video URL Tinderbox - Understanding Agents & Queries (Part 1) - YouTube
Example File TBX - L Agent Designator Queries R2-31MAY21.tbx (103.2 KB)
TBX Version 8.9
Instructor Michael Becker

In this lesson, we step into the world of agents & queries within Tinderbox. Tinderbox is a powerful note-taking and knowledge collection, curation, creation, and contribution (the 4Cs) tool. Note-taking is as much about discovering & re-discovering your note-taking as it is about creating them. In this regard, Tinderbox is your friend. In this video, you’ll learn how to query (aka search for) values within your Tinderbox attributes. I explain the syntax for calling an attribute (e.g. $AttributeName, the dollar sign is key). I also explain how to combine arguments in your queries, e.g. “find me this and that.” I accomplish this by showing you how you can combine two arguments with the & operator.

NOTE: If you want to play with the Action Code in this tutorial just download the example file linked above. It is all there.

TBX - L Agent & Queries Part 1

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@DougJohnson Big thanks to Doug. He reported an error in the sample file. I was referencing an HTML template that is not in the file, so an error was popping up. Great time for a learning lesson. To find the offending note, I opened the attribute browser and attended the $HTMLExportTemplate (see below). I found the note and deleted the value of the missing template. Problem sovled. I did not put the template in, as this lesson is not about export templates. Updated file attached above.

Thanks, again, Doug!

Victory! Followed your lead and deleted the value of the missing template. Perfecto.