Tinderbox Training Video 59 - Leveraging OnAdd Action to Automate Your Efforts

Tinderbox Training Video - Leveraging OnAdd Action to Automate Your Efforts

Level Beginner
Published Date 9/9/21
Type How To
Tags 4CKMEl, 4Cs of Knowledge Management and Exchange, OnAdd, Tinderbox, aTbRef
Video Length 05:04
Video URL Tinderbox Lesson - Leveraging OnAdd Action to Automate Your Efforts - YouTube
Example File TBX L - Leveraging OnAdd Action to Automate Your Efforts.tbx (91.5 KB)
TBX Version 9
Instructor Michael Becker

In this lesson, I explain how to use the $OnAdd action function in Tinderbox to automate your work. I use the example of adding a note to a company note and the added into taking on the essence of a person note. What? You ask. Watch the video, it will all make sense. This simple explanation showcases just the tiniest bit of what you can do with Tinderbox and how you can use it to automate your workflow and supercharge your knowledge-making efforts.

TBX L -Leveraging OnAdd Action

Complete video list

You’ll find a Tinderbox reference file for this video on the Tinderbox Forum: Mastering Tinderbox: Training Videos (Complete List)

A Tinderbox Reference File

You can find The Tinderbox Reference File at A Tinderbox Reference File. This is an amazing, invaluable, resource, developed by Mark Anderson, that includes an overview of every Tinderbox capability.

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An invitation to connect

Life is change. To meet the moment, I’m constantly on the lookout to understand what I should keep doing, stop doing, or do differently. I’m on a mission to understand the 4Cs of knowledge management (collection, curation, creation, and contribution) and for insights to balance The Identity Nexus—the intersection where equitable personal data & identity exchange happens. I’m looking to understand the personal data & identity marketplace—to track leading organizations, people, and resources (strategies, use cases, business models, standards, people’s sentiments, etc.). I welcome the opportunity for industry collaboration. Let’s connect on,

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